Worrying is Like Praying

Worrying is Like Praying…

Well, that was just a partial statement, hence the …. Here’s the rest of the statement:

Worrying is Like Praying…for something you don’t want to happen!

My friend and co-beekeeper Sue sent me that quote earlier this week. It came on the heels of a meeting with a client, Lucy.

Lucy was doing a lot of worrying about things in our session together. And we talked a bit about projection (making up a story about someone or something in your mind and investing in it as if it is truth).

I’ve also talked with you about this, dear people. And I’ve received lots of comments and questions about the reality that you cannot put your attention and energy on what you don’t want, because then you tend to get it!

So when I got this statement this week, I said to myself, ‘Self! Here’s another way of offering this idea forward and bringing it home for those who are ready.’

Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want to happen.

Want to hear an example of praying for something you don’t want? Click here!

Here’s the script for those of you who aren’t inspired to hear my melodious tones:

Take a few deep breaths

This is my intention for today:

I know Mercury is retrograde, and that it often influences technology. So my intention is to keep my computer safe from viruses, hackers, spammers, all emails about penis enhancement, Viagra and bust enlargement.

I intend that my iPhone has no difficulties syncing with my Outlook account.

I intend that my printer have enough ink to print my training materials and that my wireless router continues to hold the connection to my computer.

So it is.

Do you think I got enough negative intent into that statement? I don’t want this, I don’t want that, I don’t want the other. All that focused energy is directed toward what I don’t want. And then when what I don’t want to have happen happens, I can be frustrated and angry at the Universe for bringing me what I didn’t want.

It all seems quite convoluted, doesn’t it? Yet it’s actually quite simple.

Put your energy, your intention, your language, your focus on what you do want. Period. The End.

So what would a reframed intention sound like? Click here.

And again, for those of you who are uninterested in my melodious tones, here’s the script:

Take a few deep breaths.

This is my intention for today.

I am harmoniously supported by my technology.

My email interactions are timely, meaningful and clear.

My phone and my Outlook are synchronized and share data back and forth seamlessly.

My training materials are easily and quickly printed and ready for my upcoming class.

And so it is.

Now, the reason I chose Mercury Retrograde as an example is because I’ve been duped into the Retrograde snafus lately. I would discover (with dread) that Mercury was going Retrograde and I’d begin to wonder about what was going to go wrong with my technology THIS TIME. I’d catalog the last few technology issues that occurred during Retrograde and galvanize, prepare and focus on what might be going wrong this time.

And then I realized that I was fueling the energy with my focus on what could go wrong. And I’ve decided to change course. I can’t change the directions of the planets, but I can change my response to them. I’ll be interested to see what happens next Retrograde, because I’ll tell you I was a bit late with my revised attention during this last go round. I won’t bore you with the details – that would be putting my attention on what I don’t want!

So, the opportunity exists for all of us to put our energy, attention and focus on what we do want and to ground awareness in positive intent.

After all, we learned a few years ago from our friend Bobby McFerrin, Don’t Worry, Be Happy! Great advice.

Keep your energy flowing…!

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3 thoughts on “Worrying is Like Praying”

    • Hello Heino,

      Thank you for your kind comments about this post. Lipton’s work is brilliant, and I’m honored to be included in the same thoughtstream and set of experiences!

  1. Yes. And oddly enough I think occasionally saying please and thank you to my tech does wonders for its smooth sailing through Mercury Retrograde. 🙂


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