Your case intake guides the strategy

Your Treatment Strategy is Essential

If you take the time to take a comprehensive intake for your clients and then put them on the treatment table and run a session that clears energy, but not in connection to the client’s issues, you’re committing a strategic mistake! Done correctly, your case intake becomes a roadmap for your treatment strategy. As you develop your own system for running an intake, your treatment strategy can flow out on the intake form itself.

As people are mentioned, you can circle or asterisk their names. You’ll say hello to those people when you are Clearing Cords and Karma, or Releasing Agreements and Destroying Contracts.

As emotions, patterns, behaviors, beliefs are identified, you can underline or bracket them, so you say hello to them when you are Clearing Emotional Energy and Releasing Programming.

When you ask clients to describe where they feel emotions in their body, you’re identifying chakras that hold energies in place, contributing to the client’s decreased sense of well-being or authentic response.

Learning to listen to what the client says, ask appropriate follow-up questions and track information helps you form an intention, as well as understand your approach to your sessions with the client.

Your Treatment Strategy Frames the Session

As you step up to the table, when you have a treatment strategy in place, you know how to spend your time. If the client has problems with her parents and siblings, and feels anger in the third chakra, how much time would you be likely to spend in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakra? If you answered ‘minimal’, you’d be correct. The client is a 1st, 2nd, 3rd chakra case. How do I know?

Parents, siblings – 1st chakra, family of origin, getting needs met
Emotional reactivity – 2nd chakra, seat of the emotions, anger is a dominant emotion
Stored anger – 3rd chakra, where the client acknowledges feeling the emotion

You might clear an upper chakra briefly in each session, especially if the client shares a story about being unable to express herself clearly when angry. Then you’d be inclined to add in some clearing in the 5th chakra, yes?

However, investing important session time on the 7th or 6th chakra may well be inappropriate unless the client includes insights about the way anger disconnects her from source or spirituality, or if she mentions a limiting belief about her ability to move past the anger pattern.

What about the aura? What skills might be most important to focus on in your sessions?

If you’re thinking primarily the Big 4, you’d be correct.

Family of origin issues are always Karmic, so that would be an important skill to apply.
Anger is emotional energy, and programming is emotional energy organized in waves, awaiting the moment of activation to flow into the chakras for actualizing, manifesting.
Agreements and Contracts are also important, though the rule regarding Contacts applies. If the client is not actively clearing her Contracts, then facilitate the process with her, rather than doing the clearing work yourself.

Got a piece of paper and a pen?

Watch the Demonstration: Case Intake video on the page and write down the names of the players involved, the emotions, the locations in the body where the emotions are experienced, and then develop an intention and a treatment strategy to get you thinking about your client cases and appropriate treatment strategies.

Next steps:

Bring the treatment strategy that you designed based on the Case Intake offered in the program to your next Task. You’ll review a few sample treatment strategies prior to designing and submitting treatment strategies based on your cases.