Energy Healing is Powerful Medicine for Physical Healing and Symptom Relief

Have you or one of your clients ever:

Had a doctor run the gamut of tests, only to be told there’s nothing wrong, despite persistent symptoms, pain, and discomfort?

Undergone medical treatments or procedures intended to address a physical issue that continues to cause problems post-procedure?

Gotten curious about the correlation between certain emotions and physical symptoms, such as anxiety and digestion?

Sought in-depth knowledge, time to practice, and insightful feedback from a seasoned mentor and guide?

Energy Healing and the Etheric (Physical) Body

Energy Healing Institute’s graduates quickly learn that when working with clients with physical ailments, the path to healing must include both the Astral (emotional) and the Etheric (physical) bodies.

The physical body and its emotions are tightly integrated, with disease or illness rooted in the Astral body. EHI takes a less-is-more approach to working with clients with physical issues: During an energy session, roughly 70% of the work takes place in the Astral body, while 30% occurs in the Etheric body.

An integrated energy healing session that incorporates both Astral and Etheric clearing facilitates evolution in both emotional and physical wellbeing.

Energy is causative.

If energy flows freely, in alignment and coherence with the physical body and its needs, the body is whole, well, healthy, vibrant, and clear.

So why is this state so difficult to achieve?

Our thoughts and beliefs, our nutritional choices, hydration, exposure to toxins, our community, and our environment all contribute to wellness. What’s the common factor? Energy.

When energy flow is inhibited or blocked, dysregulation occurs. The thousands of chakras, the aura and the nadis that deliver energy to the physical body that experience a disruption in flow affect the physical body’s functioning. Over time, illness, disharmony, symptoms, and disease can begin to occur.

What does an energy practitioner do?

Working with clients who are dealing with a spectrum of challenges, themes, and patterns, advanced energy practitioners learn to work with the Astral Body in tandem with the Etheric body to identify and treat the root cause of physical, emotional, and energetic illness.

As a practitioner, learning to work with the Etheric body is more than a tool in the toolkit; it magnifies the potential for healing and evolution.

Who should enroll in the Evolving the Etheric Body Practitioner Program?

Graduates of EHI’s Evolving the Astral Body Practitioner Program (prerequisite, no exceptions)

Those ready to dig in, grow, let go, and become who you’re meant to be (even practitioners must evolve!)

Alternative healers looking to become grounded, informed, and prepared to professionally support their clients’ healing and evolution

Massage therapists, physical therapists, coaches, therapists, and medical clinicians who want to learn how to access the emotional body for growth and healing

Etheric Program Overview

Experience level: Practitioners who have completed Evolving the Astral Body: The heart of the why practitioner program

Perfect for: Those interested in supporting physical wellness and looking to deepen the mind-body connection

PrerequisitesEvolving the Astral Body: The heart of the why

Class length: 70+ hours online curriculum and 30+ hours of practice client experience

Evergreen: Always online, always available, with regular office hours for Q&A and interaction with Jill Leigh and EHI Practitioner-Instructors

Connection & Collaboration Calls: Jill is online, once a week, to connect and share with the cohort of students. The cohort learns from each other’s experience, brings questions that Jill and your peers will answer. These calls deepen your learning, and bring you into connection with others who are building practices and integrating energy healing into their suite of offerings. 

Through video-based learning, didactic understanding and experiential practice, EHI integrates effective adult learning models and methods to support learning. The program rolls out over time, in a sequential manner, from an overview of the highly complex Etheric energy body, the chakras and aura, expands your energy hygiene to incorporate working with physical issues. Once these resources are in place practitioners learn to facilitate integrated energy healing sessions:

  • expanded case intake to learn about client’s issues, be they emotional/behavioral/relational, physical, or both
  • Etheric energy clearing treatment tools for:
    • clearing and infusing the chakras and aura
    • supporting the nadis and health rays
    • releasing repressed emotional energy that inhibits flow
    • deep energetic detox protocols
    • decreasing pain and inflammation
    • maintaining detailed session notes

As with the Astral practitioner program, you’ll have access to extensive downloadable resources, including:

  • energy hygiene skill illustrations
  • illustrations of hands-on and hands-off clearing practices
  • mp3s of guided meditations
  • templates for case intake and note taking
  • tying treatment strategies to the client case.

Integrating Astral and Etheric clearing, infusing and protocols for your clients offers a comprehensive approach to shifting core patterns, behaviors, issues and support physical healing.

Choose what is most appropriate for you. Whatever you choose, you are required to pay the tuition in full to remain in good standing with and have access to the program, materials and Connection & Collaboration calls. 

Six monthly payments of $635, totaling $3800

Payment in full: $3420, a 10% discount

Deep grounding in the Etheric body, the chakras, aura and nadis.

Building on the exploration of the Astral body, as understood through the Western chakra perspective, you’ll begin to unpack your awareness and appreciation of the Etheric energy system, and its inherent elegance and complexity.

Expanding your energy hygiene to manage Etheric energy and its qualitative properties.

Unlike Astral energy, which may be high or low vibration, depending on the predominance of emotional material in the field, Etheric energy is qualitative. If you’re supporting a client in a healing process for symptoms of a medically diagnosed disease or illness, low quality Etheric energy is accessed and released to effect relief of symptoms, generate balance and invite healing. An additional suite of energy hygiene skills ensures that you do not become ‘inflected’ with your client’s Etheric energy, and that your individual energies remain distinct and sovereign. 

Important aspects and considerations for supporting physical healing and affirm your commitment to the EHI Guidelines for Intentional Practice.

EHI follows standards of practice that ensures an appropriate role as an adjunctive member of a therapeutic or clinical team. In addition, you are encouraged to research the laws regulating practice and comply with business registration requirements in your state or country. EHI cannot take responsibility for this on your behalf.

Learning hands-on and hands-off clearing skills, practices, tools and protocols and applying them in sessions with practice clients.

This program is experiential; you’ll document and submit 24 hours of hands-on practice client sessions for Instructor review and feedback.

You’ll learn and practice:

  • An expanded session opening for integrated sessions
  • Etheric chakra clearing skills
  • Etheric aura clearing skills
  • Enhancing energy delivery in the nadis and health rays
  • Etheric detox
  • Facilitating Astral & Etheric Case Intake processes

Developing treatment strategies

Treatment strategies incorporate both Astral and Etheric work. The body is an integrated system, and the emotions are always involved in any physical illness or diagnosis. 

Case intake & note taking essentials ensure compliance, staying on track with your case, and evaluating case progression.

You’ll receive an expanded template for developing an integrated, Astral & Etheric case intake, as well as a note taking template that monitors both Astral & Etheric clearing skills and protocols.

Contextualizing the Etheric & Astral Planes within the Seven Planes of Consciousness

EHI practitioners often tell me years after they’ve completed their training, that exploring the Seven Planes of Consciousness, of which the Etheric & Astral planes are a part, expanded their spiritual understanding and awareness, generating awe, respect and inspiration from the vastness and capacity of human potential. A module that articulates the Seven Planes contextualizes the chakras and aura as tools to evolution.

Feedback on in-person and remote client sessions through the Practicum requirements

You’ll conduct a total of 24 hours of in-person and and 6 hours of remote sessions on practice clients as part of your Practicum. As with the Astral program, specific session input and insights will be submitted for review and feedback. A videotaped integrated Astral & Etheric session completes the Practicum for the Etheric program.


As you successfully complete the Etheric program elements, and have received your session review and feedback, you’ll receive your Certificate of Achievement in Evolving the Etheric Body: Supporting physical healing practitioner program. It’s an incredible achievement that we’ll celebrate with you!

Ongoing Connection & Collaboration Calls with Jill Leigh & EHI Practitioner Instructors

Jill and her team of Practitioner-Instructors attend regular, weekly Connection & Collaboration Calls for program attendees to join via Zoom. You’ll have experienced Connection & Collaboration calls during the Astral program, they’re increasingly valuable with the Etheric program. The calls happen once a week.

Here’s the list of things you’ll need to complete this program: 

  • Laptop or tablet with built in or external video camera and microphone; Taking this program via smartphone is not recommended.
  • Recording software for MP3s – tutorial and software suggestions are included in the program.
  • Reliable internet access.
  • Video software for MP4s – tutorial and software suggestions are included in the program. These can be recorded via smartphone.
  • Pendulum – crystal or stone are preferable. Unless you’re a jewelry designer, please do not make your own pendulum! It needs to be balanced for accurate assessments.
  • Massage table, pillow, sheets, blankets – optional eye pillows, knee bolsters, other props for client comfort and relaxation.
  • 5-6 practice clients who work with you for between 10 and 15 session hours as a component of your Certification.

This is EHI’s Cancellation policy. As you register, you’ll be agreeing to these terms. 

Termination of Enrollment.
After you become enrolled in the Program, you may immediately terminate your enrollment in the Program for your convenience at any time by notifying us (according to the “Notices” section of this Agreement) that you are terminating your enrollment in the Program for your convenience (such notice, your “Termination Notice”). If you breach these Terms, the requirements of the Program, the ToS, or our Privacy Policy, we may immediately terminate your enrollment in the Program by notifying you (according to the “Notices” section of this Agreement) that we are terminating your enrollment in the Program for your breach.

Even if your enrollment in the Program terminated prior to your completion of the Program, you will owe us the full amount of the Program Price. This means that we will continue to bill you on your Payment Plan for unpaid amounts of the Program Price, if applicable and subject to the terms immediately below.

Partial Refunds or Cessation of Payments on Payment Plan. If we receive a Termination Notice from you, you may be entitled to: 

  • If we receive your Termination Notice between the first (1st) and the 30th day (30th) following the start of the Program, we will cancel your tuition payment plan with no further payments required and remove you from the Program. If tuition was paid in full, you will receive a refund of your tuition, minus the amount of one monthly installment at the fee structure in effect at the time.
  • We will not owe you any refund and there will be no cessation of payments on your Payment Plan if we: (i) receive your Termination Notice on or after the thirty-first (31st) day following the start of the Program or (ii) terminate your enrollment in the Program because you breached these Terms, the requirements of the Program, the ToS, or our Privacy Policy.

We will promptly process any refund you are owed. Any refund we issue to you will be credited back to the same payment method used to make the original purchase. 

Ready to evolve your energy practice?

What’s Next?

Oh yes, there’s always more to learn! Learn more about the next course in the Practitioner Program series, Energetic Assessment: Determining Root Cause.

Connect with EHI Director Jill Leigh

Meeting with practitioner candidates is a highlight of Jill’s day! If you’d like to speak with Jill before enrolling, please set up a time to connect on her calendar. She can’t wait to meet you!

Learn more about additional practitioner programs offered exclusively through the Energy Healing Institute.