Energy Healing Institute

Self-Healing Courses


A taste of energy self-care.

Present of Presence (Free)

If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of clarity, grounding and true presence, then this free course is for you!

EHI’s Consciousness Series

Self-paced courses that deepen your understanding of yourself, your energy, and tools and practices to support your inner evolution.


Learn to clear your chakras & aura so that you can become Who You Are. This course offers you tools to apply with stuck patterns, behaviors, themes that impact living joyfully and authentically.

Nugget Bundle

Five energy issues + 5 solutions…for Life! Protocols for dedicated practice with five common patterns, behaviors and themes that are readily addressed with energy healing. 

Feeding Your Spiritual Practice

A buffet of six delicious resources for deepening your connection to yourself, your spirituality, your conscious awareness and Source energy.

Mind-Body-Energy Connection

The Mind-Body-Energy connection is bigger than yoga, folks! Mind-body includes how your emotional energy impacts your physical body. Get connected, receive tools, strategies and practices to evolve your wellbeing.

Bodacious Belief Systems

In this self-paced course, you’ll apply tools and practices to help you uncover and evolve your beliefs to live with consciously aligned beliefs that reflect Who You Are!

Master Classes

Advanced courses that deepen your conscious awareness and leverage energy as a resource to your evolution. CLEAR is a prerequisite for these Master Classes.


Clairvoyance is NOT a gift, it’s a skill! Develop, refine and expand your ability to perceive and read energy for personal evolution and if desired, in a client practice. Live, online Office Hours with Jill Leigh once a month for Q&A & connections.

Conscious Channeling

Channeling guides and energy expands and deepens your spiritual connection. Develop, refine and expand your ability to connect with guidance for yourself, and if you choose, within a client practice. Live, online Office Hours with Jill Leigh once a month for Q&A & connections.