Ellen Donaldson
Operations manager
In 2010, Ellen Donaldson began studying energy healing with Jill Leigh, as a means of addressing and resolving issues that kept her from feeling aligned, balanced and on track with her thoughts and behaviors. It didn’t take her long to realize that energy was a missing link for her – that all the therapy, bodywork and healing work she’d done was essential, but hadn’t yielded a shift at her core – her energy was still resonating with old stories, patterns and behaviors.
Choosing to leave her corporate role in 2015, Ellen attended the Astral practitioner program, and began her journey toward shifting her career from a corporate management role to running a client practice. She launched Starleaf Wellness in Melrose, Massachusetts in 2016, and has continued her study of energy healing as well as powerful, efficacious approaches to treating chronic illness. She is a seasoned practitioner, treating issues such as chronic Lyme Disease, autoimmune disorders and pain syndromes with biomagnetism, detox and gut healing strategies, and emotional energy clearing protocols.
Ellen is certified in Evolving the Astral Body: The heart of the why, Evolving the Etheric Body: Supporting physical healing, and Energetic Assessment: Determining Root Cause.

Ellen has a deeply rooted love of energy healing, coupled with a desire to work closely with practitioners who are as committed as she to running professional, successful integrated practices in their communities. She has taught practitioners in EHI’s classroom and online formats, and actively participates in developing and facilitating EHI’s online courses and live workshops.
In 2023, Ellen joined Energy Healing Institute as its Operations Manager, embedding herself even more deeply in the work of energy healing. She continues to serve her new and existing clients in Melrose, while working part-time at EHI to support learners and business operations in the US and abroad.
Ellen holds a bachelor degree in Anthropology from Colby College. She is fascinated with sacred sites, sacred geometry and ancient civilizations. She’s an avid gardener, and enjoys knitting and other crafts using her hands. Her son Tom is beginning college in the fall, so she’ll explore empty nesting as well!