While it’s useful to Prepare your Energy for Channeling, it’s not necessary to Create the Space for Channeling when you’re Releasing Guides, Beings & Entities.
To gain familiarity with this skill, and to continue to evolve your energy in meaningful ways to become a Conscious Channel, do this exercise at least twice a day.
If you know you leave your body during the night, then do the skill in the morning when you wake up for the day. Take note of how frequently your energy has been impacted by your noctural Cosmic travels. It can help you reorganize and commit to intentionally letting go of the tendency to leave your body and diminish your ability to deeply rest.
Make notes on your experience. Keep track of any questions, insights you glean from the process so that you can inform the group at our live call, and support everyone’s learning.
And please, don’t be shy during our online call. I do call on people to invite them to participate because sometimes it helps to be asked. The more you bring to our online calls, the greater everyone’s learning will be.
Next steps:
When you’re ready, move on to the next activity in this Module. We’ll focus next on Engaging the Channeling System. We’re almost there!