Agreements — roles & relationships
Agreements are energetic constructs that create repeated, systemic responses in relationships and interactions, sponsoring behaviors, and playing out patterns and themes. Agreements can be made at any time – pre-incarnationally, at birth, in the moment. Agreements can help us understand our family systems, ongoing patterns in relationships and as they are released, evolving beyond the themes, behaviors, patterns and dynamics.
Releasing Agreements used in conjunction with Clearing Emotional Energy supports a cleaner, clearer integration of authentic behaviors. Additionally, since Agreements are generally active between two parties, Clearing Cords is also suggested to further support healing and evolution, and new ways of relating to others.
Viewed clairvoyantly, or perceived kinesthetically, Agreements are fairly dense, compiled packets of energy organized around people and ‘projects’.
Agreements and Projects
Projects is an overarching term that I use to reference patterns, behaviors, beliefs, triggers, issues, wounds…in other words, the mechanisms that inhibit authentic experience and in the moment awareness.
When there is a project you’re working on, for example, unraveling your fear of conflict, you will use all of the self-care skills to address the issue. When you look at your conflict issues through the lens of your Agreements, you may perceive the compilation of energy that is tied up between you and others. In the case of conflict, you’ll have agreements with people who generate or incite conflict, and you’ll travel around the issues repeatedly through activation of the energy between you. No matter the project — you’ll find agreements.
Releasing Agreements that exist between you and another party effects only your energy. The other individual maintains his or her attachment and role in the agreement, acting them out with other people who resonate with the energy. You can clean up your energy without inflicting a process of change on anyone else. It’s very freeing!
When Agreements are in place, you’re likely to act through the energy of the Agreement, made at some other time and place, but actualizing in the here and now. That’s not useful.
One client told me this story,
I knew that my relationship with my partner was loaded with energetic Agreements. We kept cycling around the same issues, conversations, arguments and patterns. I didn’t feel as though I had much resourcefulness to change the dynamics, to act differently.
What a relief to change things up and to creatively address my side of our issues as I Released Agreements.
Our partnership is stronger, my behavior is more resilient and nuanced, and we navigate through our challenges in a much more constructive way. As I’ve changed my stance, he has stepped toward me and made changes of his own.
The Ripple Effect of Your Evolution
The point of the story — as you evolve, those around you do too. If you shift how you interact, then old patterns between you and other organically shift. The resistance against and the attraction to the agreements falls away, and new behaviors emerge.
Sometimes relationships dissolve. As the agreements and other energies are cleared, the interest in and commitment to the relationship organically shifts. New people are attracted in to fill the void, and these relationships resonate with different energies than the ones driven by the previously held agreements.
Agreements are more casual than Contracts
I often think of Agreements as being similar to a ‘handshake’ between two people. If I agree to buy a desk that you advertised for sale, it’s a handshake agreement. No contract is signed, the agreement is loose and somewhat unstructured. Like as not, I’ll come pick up the desk and pay you the agreed upon price.
However, if my next door neighbor offers me a similar desk for free, I may choose instead to take him up on his offer and let you know I’m no longer interested in fulfilling my agreement to purchase yours. You turn around and call the next person on the list who is waiting to buy your desk. The agreement to purchase shifts elsewhere.
The agreement remains valid with whomever continues to hold the energy. In the case of the desk, the owner still had the desk, and sought out a new agreement with another buyer. Similarly Releasing Agreements frees up the individual who lets them go, but instead of furniture, it’s baggage — behaviors, emotions, reactions, patterns that are not operating in current time through conscious choice.
You’ll acclimate, shift and transition to new behaviors through an ongoing process of Releasing Agreements. A gradual, permanent shift occurs in awareness, presence and choices, generating new experiences, responses and perspectives on your daily life.
Proceed to the next topic and download your reference materials and practice Releasing Agreements.