Watch the Demonstration: Setting Your Energy Hygiene

At one level, there’s not much to see.

I’m doing the work on the inside! But, I’ll talk you through my process, you’ll see that it’s not important to get everything done in a specific order, and you’ll see that it doesn’t take me much time at all to put my hygiene in place. The video is actually much longer than the time it takes to do the process, but since it’s a teaching video, it’s handled a bit differently than it would be in a client session.

A thought for you:

Watch the video once to take in the process, hear any additional thoughts on the importance of these skills. Then, set it to play again. Stand up, near your massage table if you’re so inclined, and do the process with me. Make note of which steps are quick and easy, which ones cause you to think, pause, perhaps you don’t remember a piece of the process. Then go back to the hygiene steps that tripped you up and play the mp3 again so you can practice and internalize the resource.

Next steps:

Watch the Demonstration video, and if you need further review on your Energy Hygiene skills, now’s a good time to get that done. If you’re good to go, proceed to the next Lesson to learn the new Session Opening process. Since you’re now learning to run integrated Astral and Etheric sessions, you’ll be working with the session opening a bit differently to get your clients energy organized for clearing and infusing.