Your Astral Fifth Chakra

Please go back and watch the video for the previous lesson.

Fifth Chakra

Let me ask, do you:

Have difficulty speaking up for yourself?

Do you wind up doing what other people want you to do, rather than standing your ground and choosing what you want to do?

Do you feel like you’re a phony or a fake?

Important Fifth Chakra Facts:

  • Two chakra openings, one opening to the front of the body, one to the back
  • Seat of authentic self-expression, not just what you say, but Who You Are
  • When someone is a caretaker, empath or HSP, the 5th chakra is generally underdeveloped. It’s not ‘all about you’, it’s all about everyone else.

Appropriate Chakra Opening — as open as sustainable, and always a work in progress

Even the most evolved, autonomous, authentic people can grow, evolve and become ever more themselves. I sometimes think of this chakra as the most powerful evolutionary chakra in the body. As you learn to sustain ever greater openness in this chakra, you put down who you are not to embrace ever more fully Who You Are.

Next steps:

Proceed to the overview and watch the video on the sixth chakra.