Practitioner Program Philosophy
Embodied, Self-aware, Systems-based
The Fundamentals of Practice
Are you considering expanding upon your existing practice by incorporating energy healing into your offerings? Or are you ready to study energy healing so that you can launch a practice? In either case, energy healing is a brilliant modality that expands capacity for healing, and truly integrates and acknowledges the connection between mind, body and spirit. Whether you have an established practice or an innate curiosity, energy healing is not something you can learn during a weekend workshop. You and your clients are not well-served if you’re cobbling together information from books, or from online classes and weekend workshops. To be blunt, choose wisely. If you pull together a myriad set of tools from different teachers and systems of thinking, you can create incoherence in the client’s energy as well as your own. Different systems view and articulate the chakras and aura differently. In fact, there’s plenty of well-known spiritual teachers who combine Astral and Etheric chakras together, having no understanding that they’re talking about two entirely different energy bodies that they have merged together! That’s a prime example of incoherence. And it happens every day.
There’s a regulating body that is now forming to look at and develop coherence in standards of practice, code of ethics, continuing education requirements and other important factors. When the regulations are fully vetted and in place, Energy Healing Institute will be in the room. We’ve already been vetted and grandfathered into these standards. There will be lots of programs that fall by the wayside.
Bottom line: incorporating the lessons taught in EHI’s Practitioner Programs requires a commitment to being a grounded, responsible practitioner. You must have a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the multiple energy bodies and their separate chakras and aura systems, and the neutral discernment to identify how to best help your clients.
Understanding the Chakras & Auras & Planes of Awareness
Energy is everywhere, but it’s not visible to the human eye. So how do you even begin to work with something that’s there but not there? And how can you know that what you’re doing is having a positive effect, or any effect at all?
The human body is a series of organs, glands and structures that work together as a system. The human energy body is the same. Offering energy healing in a practice requires a deep understanding of that energy system-and a coherent set of tools and skills that support healing and evolution.
Diving deeper, the human energy field is a complex ecosystem of intersecting planes of consciousness. Within these planes lie the chakra and aura systems that comprise the energy system.
While many people are familiar with the primary seven chakras and the aura that surrounds the body, few realize this is just one set of chakras, and they generate the emotional or Astral awareness of the human body. Watch a video I’ve created that explains more about the Astral body.
The Etheric energy system is highly complex, comprising thousands of chakras and a small, dense aura that feeds energy to all of the organs, glands, cells, systems for the physical body. It integrates with the Astral energy system and five other planes of consciousness that make up the holistic human. You can learn a bit more about the Etheric body on this video.
We’re bigger than these two bodies as well. Here’s the final video in the series of 3, on the Mental/Causal body.
If you want to learn energy healing, check to be sure that the program understands these bodies, or you’ll likely receive a mishmash of information that is not grounded into a system for healing and evolution. Malpractice is a real thing, folks, and not knowing the energy bodies in detail, and how to work with them is a pretty easy way to take the wrong approach with energy healing!
Guidelines for Intentional Practice
EHI invites practitioners to embody these guidelines in their study and practice of energy healing:
- I am self-aware and maintain appropriate self-care
- I facilitate a process, the client is the healer
- I adhere to risk management principles (liability, informed consent, confidentiality, boundaries, note taking, referrals, consultation and supervision)
- I maintain professionalism in all aspects of my work
- I work within my level of competence and expertise
Creating a mainstream practice
It’s becoming more and more common to see energy healing incorporated into mainstream health care. It can be found in hospitals, healing centers, hospice, and integrative practices, and it comes in many different modalities.
In order to create a strong and effective personal practice, it’s best to take a comprehensive, systems-based approach to energy work.
This may annoy you, I can live with that. Stay away from Reiki. There’s so many reasons for this, one of which is how it’s taught. Mastery in a weekend or two? Please! Mastery takes years. Why call someone a Reiki Master after a few attunements and a few hours of training? There are millions of Reiki Masters, many of whom have been encouraged to give their work away for free. It’s tough to make a living as a Reiki Master. You won’t have comprehensive training, and you’re competing against the neighbor across the street who gives Reiki sessions for free! Reiki is a commodity. If you want to be a professional energy practitioner, take a professional training.
Be clear, clean, and conscious
The protocols and practices that you’ll learn in the Evolving the Astral Body and Evolving the Etheric Body will assist you with healing and evolving your own as well as the client’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages. You will be learning and embodying a fully integrated, systems-based approach to conscious healing that incorporates energy hygiene, clarity of intent and conscious action. The third practitioner program (Level 3), Energetic Assessment: Determining Root Cause, will take your work into top tier echelons. Beyond medical intuition (a term EHI does not use because of the illegal and unprofessional tendency to diagnose because of intuitive perceptions), practitioners work from a diagnosis to assess the Astral and Etheric energy implications, the Mental/Causal contributions, and other overlays that impact our understanding of ourselves, the body, our health and well-being.
When Intentions Aren’t Enough
Intentions are essential, and can be extremely powerful aids for personal growth and evolution. However, they can only be effective when your beliefs are aligned with your intentions. Your intentions will be consistently undermined if you are harboring negative self-beliefs or thought patterns. Our lives are created in partnership with our personal belief systems. Beliefs and your energy field are tightly integrated – if you believe you’re not worthy or lack skill or talent, you’ll manifest experiences that prove that belief. A beautiful benefit of the EHI courses is that every tool and protocol you learn can be applied to your own energy field, helping you expand your personal level of mastery.
A few last thoughts…
Thank you for taking the time to review and consider this information. In a nutshell, to effectively integrate energy healing into your personal practice, you need to:
- Study deeply
- Learn a systems-based approach to healing
- Be willing to unlearn some things that are holding you back or need refinement
- Set yourself up to thrive
- Practice intentionally and coherently
If you want to get a taste of Jill’s teaching style, her breadth of knowledge and her content, register for her free, 1-hour class, The Present of Presence. Taught live, monthly, this course grounds you in the first two foundational practices you’ll learn as an energy healing practitioner. You’ll complete your prerequisite for joining her practitioner programs at the same time!
“I’ve learned so much about energy, healing, resistance, belief systems, intention, universal principles, consciousness, and the power of the human spirit in the EHI Practitioner Program.”
Ellen Donaldson