Could your client practice generate more income and offer greater impact in your community if you had a trusted ally to help you expand your business strategy and increase your practice leadership?

You’ve invested time and energy into learning and launching your healing modalities. You’ve achieved success and recognition for your good work with your clients and in your community. Now, you want to expand your practice, increase your impact, and elevate your leadership with your clients. You’re interested in a six-figure practice that supports you and provides you with a lifestyle that you enjoy. You want to be seen and recognized as a leader, an expert in your community, and you want to do excellent work, and thrive financially and professionally.

You’re know you have the capacity to do more, earn more, and yet, you need to uplevel your business acumen, have more effective tools and resources to support your growth objectives. You may need the know-how to grow the business side of your practice with strategic initiatives that leverage your strengths as a person, and your suite of modalities. Truth is, you’re aware that there’s more to running a thriving practice than you’re currently doing, but you’re in the dark about what steps to take that will yield results.

1:1 Business Consulting & Practice Leadership

Working one-on-one with Jill Leigh, a sought-after healing practice owner and teacher, you will learn the tools and strategies needed to grow your business from within.

We’ll explore:

The current state of your practice – how you spend your time, your client attraction strategy, your marketing and communication vehicles, your network of referral sources

Your growth and income goals and objectives, your current reality, and your potential plan to bridge the gap

Your role as a practitioner and your leadership with your clients and in your community

Passive income opportunities to increase your revenues through upfront development effort that yields downstream revenues through replicable marketing initiatives

Your mastery as a business owner – where do you shine? What holes need filling? What do you love to do? What do you avoid?

Your balance between client-facing activity and business development and management

Your level of energy and time you make available to create a thriving practice

Jill’s consultative, personal approach to expanding your business acumen is comprehensive, interactive, and fun. You’ll gain the expert advice of an advanced practitioner and teacher who has spent 30+ years running a successful practice in multiple locations and applying several strategic models. Jill is poised to guide you through each step involved in building and expanding your business and your professional leadership.

You’ll have ongoing support from Jill as you come up the curve on unfamiliar business practices and strategies, including market assessment, messaging, sales, ongoing marketing, administrative and tracking processes, and increasing your overall professionalism as a trusted, valued resource in your community.

We’ll Create or Expand your Practice Strategy

We need to get very clear on what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how you’re going to measure and achieve your success.

We know you want a vibrant, vital practice where you’re sought out by clients seeking healing, growth and evolution. Your modalities serve as a point of engagement – people want what you offer! Your practice strategy has to be well-defined and be backed up with excellent messaging, outreach, visibility and communication vehicles that invites clients to step in and say ‘yes’ to working with you.

Our time together

Using your practice strategy as our guide for our implementation meetings, we’ll meet on Zoom twice a month for an hour. The meetings will integrate:

Defining tasks, next steps, implementation, deadlines to ensure forward momentum and progression towards growth initiatives and goals

Teaching practice leadership and business development concepts and actionable skills to increase impact, presence and professionalism

Reviewing and providing strategic feedback on tasks underway or completed, marketing and communication messaging, pipelines and funnels for client nurture, policies and procedures for your practice, website copy, social media posts and any other business development or practice leadership resources developed in concert with practice goals and initiatives

Some of the work we’ll focus on together:

Message Modalities

Creating the client attraction story behind your specific offerings, and discovering how you can help potential clients with your individual gifts

Defining Demographics

Creating avatars to target your ideal client, identifying networking and referral resources to expand your visibility and outreach.

Marketing Tools

Promoting your services and products to fill your pipeline and grow your client roster, developing a lead magnet to build your email list, and creating opportunities for speaking, writing, and community outreach

Sales & Services

Identifying and strengthen your sales ability and being comfortable selling your services authentically

Pricing & Value

Assessing and defining your unique fee structure, (including uncovering and shedding any discomfort around your value proposition).

Managing Details

Ensuring compliance, accountability, procedural clarity, and protecting your personal assets.

Your Commitment

Schedule a complimentary, exploratory conversation with Jill using the button below. Once we agree to work together, you’ll:

  • Choose between a 3-month (strategy and one or two initiatives completed) and a 6-month (strategy and completing multiple initiatives – small and large )
  • Sign a consulting contract.
  • Schedule a regular meeting time, twice a month for 60 minutes/meeting.
  • Email & text between meetings to ask questions, request review and feedback on developed materials.
  • Pay a monthly retainer (an automatic payment process) of $1200.

Contracts may be renewed if agreed to by both parties. Jill limits consulting clients to a maximum of 6 at a time. There may be a wait to sign on as a consulting client.

Are you ready to create the thriving practice you desire?