Got a book, method or IP? Let’s turn it into passive income

If you’ve got a successful practice, have developed methodology and materials that support your client work and business growth, you’re missing an opportunity to turn that knowledge into cash—without trading time for dollars. 
Passive income is a gorgeous thing, and I’m here to help you build it. !

The Hidden Opportunities You’re Overlooking

  • You’ve built a successful practice and developed a system that works.
  • You repeat the same core content with clients, over and over.
  • Your clients love it, but you’re ready to scale beyond 1:1 or small groups.

As a Coach, Therapist or Practitioner, What If You Could…

  • Create an online course showcasing your expertise.
  • Reach a wider audience without exhausting your energy.
  • Focus on the deeper, more transformational- and profitable- work you’re passionate about.
  • Elevate your visibility with the right messaging and marketing strategy to ensure your course reaches the right audience.

It’s Time to Monetize —and Market — What You’re Already Doing

Let’s turn your materials into a sustainable income stream that works for you, even when you’re not working. 

We’ll help craft the messaging and marketing strategy so your course doesn’t just exist—it thrives, bringing in clients consistently.

Ready to get started?

Could You Benefit From Offering An Online Course?

You have a book, or methodology that you share 1:1 or in groups, and you’re ready to automate, so you can focus on the deeper, people-centric aspects you love.

You want your content exposed to a broader audience – whether through a lead magnet, standalone course or as a complement to your 1:1 or group work.

You’re looking for passive income you can market to your list, on social media and beyond to extend your brand and boost your income.

You’re unsure how to structure a course, or how to package what you know into actionable, digestible content for learners.

This is where I come in.

I specialize in turning your expertise into online courses that broaden your reach, generate passive income, and free up your most valuable assets: your time and energy. But that’s not all—you’re also getting expert-level messaging and marketing strategy to ensure your course not only shines but actually gets seen and sold. Together, we’ll make sure your course is positioned perfectly to attract the right audience and deliver real results.

Your Content, My Design — expertise squared!

With 30+ years of experience designing and developing course content — originally in corporate America, and for the past 22+ years for EHI, I’m well versed in training methodology, content creation and instructional design.

If you’re comfortable with WordPress and other online tools, we can get you started on an online course pretty easily. I get that knowing how to repurpose your IP, book, models and methodology into online training may not be in your wheelhouse.

Your zone of genius is What You Deliver to your clients.

My zone of genius is helping you extend your brand, leverage your income and package your content into online training, but also bringing in my trusted brand messaging partner to ensure it’s marketed effectively with the right messaging to attract and convert your ideal audience. Together, we’ll take your course from concept to fully optimized revenue generator.

We can work together in two different ways:

Option 1: I’ll Design, You Populate — With High-Level Marketing and Messaging Support

  1.  Clarify Your Goals
    We’ll start by defining your strategic objectives, ensuring the course we design aligns with your business goals and delivers real results. Along the way, we’ll also craft a messaging strategy to position your course for maximum visibility.
  2. Map Out the Learner’s Journey
    Next, we’ll develop course objectives that guide participants through your content, helping them achieve their goals while reinforcing your expertise. At the same time, we’ll create the messaging that hooks learners from the get-go and keeps them engaged.
  3. Design Your Course
    Using your book, IP, or methodology, I’ll create a detailed course outline, applying adult learning principles and online training best practices to ensure it’s effective. Plus, we’ll develop a marketing plan that ensures your course gets seen by the right people.
  4. Handoff for Implementation
    Once the design is approved, I’ll walk you through how to populate your course within the learning platform of your choice.
  5. Ongoing Support
    I’ll be available for consultations as you build and prepare for launch, ensuring your course is ready to shine. And when it’s time to market your course, we’ll have one more Master Your Message session to make sure everything hits the mark and reaches its full potential.

Option 2: My Design Template, Your Implementation —With Marketing and Messaging Support

With this option, you’ll purchase the Course Design Template, which walks you through designing your course from start to finish. You’ll get the structure and tools you need to create a course that aligns with your goals and delivers results.

Here’s what’s included:

  • The template guides you step-by-step through the course design process, ensuring you build something valuable and effective.
  • Three, 1-hour consultations with me to fine-tune your design and answer any questions (additional consulting hours available if needed).
  • Once you’re satisfied with your course design and outline, you’ll use it to populate your course in the learning system of your choice, at your own pace.

Picture this:

You’ve designed your course, it’s ready to launch, and now comes the most critical part: getting the word out. Over and over again.

You already know—marketing is a continuous effort, not a one-time event. Traction builds with consistent, strategic action, not a single launch.

Launching your course once will help you reach the low-hanging fruit, but that’s not enough to meet your bigger goals: generating passive income, increasing your reach, and leveraging your book, model, or IP to its fullest.

Here’s the good news:

You don’t need to find anyone else to handle the marketing and messaging because I’ve already got you covered. Along with the course design, I’ve brought in my trusted marketing and messaging expert to ensure your course gets the visibility it deserves. You’ll have two options to choose from:

Option 1: Marketing and Messaging Templates

Just like my Course Design Template, you’ll receive plug-and-play templates for your email campaigns, social media, and blog content. You’ll follow the proven process to craft and launch your marketing and messaging strategy yourself, using clear, actionable steps designed for Done For You messaging as well.

Option 2: Done-For-You Marketing and Messaging Strategy

Everything from content creation to messaging development will be handled for you. We’ll strategically align all copy and content to your course goals, ensuring you reach your audience on social media, via email, and through your list. This approach takes the stress off your plate and ensures your course gets the visibility it deserves.

    Ready to Scale Your Expertise?

    Let’s kick things off with a quick connection call. We’ll clarify your vision, review your assets, and choose the best path forward—whether you want a done-for-you service or the DIY option.

    After our chat, I’ll send you a custom proposal for I Design, You Populate, or guide you to the Course Design Templates with three consulting calls to keep you on track.

    Your next level starts here. Let’s do this.