My Boutique Private Practice

I have had a private practice in one form or another since 1992. I love working one-on-one with clients seeking evolution in their personal and professional lives. It’s fulfilling and rewarding to illuminate what may seem like a dark and scary inner place/space to one that is filled with grace, ease, light and flow.

It’s important to my work as a teacher and supervisor of practitioners studying energy healing at EHI to stay current in my practitioner role, yet I have limited availability with which to do so because of my consulting, teaching and supervision commitments. Thus, I have created a process for opening my practice to new clients who are clear about our specific roles.

Our roles

I am not the healer, you are. Your role is to do the work, to validate yourself and your ability to heal. You actively show up at our sessions and in your inner practice, ready to dive in to the work. I’ll facilitate a process to support you to achieve resolution, release, to let go. The tools I’ll share and the insights you’ll gain – promote healing and evolution, creation and manifestation.

All sessions are held remotely. There are two types of remote sessions to choose from:

  • Zoom calls to work through specific issues, provide insights tools and resources. [Our initial session will always we via Zoom]
  • Energy clearing sessions – based on what you’re working to create or resolve, a remote session clears energy in your Astral and Etheric bodies, and supports shifting and evolution of beliefs, patterns, themes and emotional backlog

Because of the limited availability for private practice work, clients are added selectively to the session roster. If you’d like to join my practice, please complete the Waiting List Application through the link below. You’ll be invited to share a brief summary of what you’re interested in evolving/resolving so that I have a sense of your case. Should your case fit within my scope of practice, you’ll receive a link for booking your initial session. I also offer referrals to EHI practitioners should I be unable to accommodate your session request.

Session Length:

1 hour

