Feeding Your Spiritual Practice

A Buffet of delicious resources

Are you seeking new ways to deepen and feed your inner evolution?

Does your spiritual practice need refreshing?

Are you wanting to breathe new life into how you experience yourself spiritually?

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, deepen your practices and grow in new and dynamic ways?

Evolve your energy and your spiritual practice.

Embrace new ways of attending to your growth and expanding your conscious awareness.

Feed and nurture your spiritual life in the same way that you attend to your physical body.

Foster evolution, growth, self-awareness and expansive engagement with your life, your experiences and your relationships.

Feeding Your Spiritual Practice includes:

  • Two Appetizers – savory starters that can be applied and used in lots of ways
    The first, The Power of Intention, focuses on how to set & hold intentions as resources for evolution, creation and manifestation.
    The second, The Role of Your Observer, teaches you a powerful way to engage and expand your conscious awareness, and to support you as you interact and engage with others.
  • Two Entrees – deeper, evolutionary practices for expansion and growth
    Discerning Somatized Emotion from Emotional Pain helps those with physical pain and illness to lighten their body’s burden by organizing awareness around what is somatized emotion, impacting physical symptomology and pain.
    Creating a Do-over – a powerful resource for acknowledging an ineffective interaction and visualizing a different outcome. It may not change the original experience, but you’ll grow and evolve!
  • Two Desserts – sweet resources for evolution and healing
    The first tasty treat is an incredible skill for saying what needs to be said, but from your Essence, not your personality. Essence to Essence Interactions is one of my favorite resources for shifting out of holding and resentment to releasing and clarity.
    Integrating Evolution gives you insight into ways to ensure that your spiritual practice and Who You Are Becoming are consciously integrated so that you leverage your practice effectively.

What is a Spiritual Practice?

There are many ways of defining a spiritual practice, and there is no one right or wrong answer. EHI believes that everything can be viewed through a spiritual lens, while concurrently acknowledging and affirming that not every moment is perceived through that lens. A spiritual practice, broadly defined, is a way of exploring inwardly with the intention of self-awareness, self-understanding, growth, evolution and deep connection – to s/Self and Source.

Who should take Feeding Your Spiritual Practice?

Anyone wishing to nurture and deepen their understanding of themselves

People who feel ready for new spiritual tools and resources

Students of energy and consciousness

Those with a solid growth and evolution orientation

People who are curious about consciousness and expanded awareness

The Feeding Your Spiritual Practice Course Includes:

Multiple Teaching Videos

To develop your understanding of the objectives, practices, resources and tools provided in each menu offering

Guided Meditations

To practice and integrate the resources into your repertoire of spiritual practices

Supporting Documentation

PDF of the presentation and practices (as applicable) on the menu

Suggested Prerequisite: The Present of Presence

Completing The Present of Presence will provide you with the anchoring tools to deepen your shifts and accelerate your evolution.


Tuition for this course is $149.

Ready to evolve your self-care?


$170.00 per Month for 2 Months

Save 15% when you register for Feeding Your Spiritual Practice: A buffet of delicious resources and Clear: Energy Clearing & Self-care.

Feeding Your Spiritual Practice


Expand your Buffet of Delicious Spiritual Practices now!

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Frequently Asked Questions