Carrying Other People’s Emotional Energy is a Drag
If you carry other people’s emotional baggage, you are holding energy that doesn’t belong to you. It’s something we all do, and can learn to minimize and clear.
If you carry other people’s emotional baggage, you are holding energy that doesn’t belong to you. It’s something we all do, and can learn to minimize and clear.
It’s easy to merge emotional energy with others who vibrate within our range. If you and I merge, I’m a little less Me, and you’re a little less You. Energy boundaries maintain individuated awareness and prevent merging. Boundaries are beautiful!
The common denominator in every relationship you have is you. Learn to shift how you show up, engage and interact in difficult relationships.
Yale and Energy Healing Institute invite you to participate in a study. Do you hear voices, see things that others don’t or have other perceptual experiences beyond the ordinary?
As practitioners, you know that energy flows where attention goes. You know how to advocate, speak the truth and hold space for evolution. You can be an energetic model for change. If you’re already active in your community, advocating for change, evolution, right action, so much gratitude to you. If you are not currently active, the invitation is extended to you.
Anyone who has spent any time with me knows that I am rabidly, insanely, over-the-top bonkers about eliminating guilt from the energy body and field.