Complete your final assignment in preparation for our live Q&A call Copy

You’ve made it through the first module of Conscious Channeling! Congratulations!

In anticipation of our first, live Q&A call, please put the time and energy in to work with all of the skills you’ve learned thus far.

You should be able to complete the Preparing for Channeling, Setting Space for Channeling, Releasing Guides, Beings & Entities, and Engaging the Channeling System skills in 3-4 minutes.

You should be able to complete the Resetting your Energy after Channeling skill in 1-2 minutes.

If you arrive at the Q&A call without having practiced and observed, assessed and owned these practices, your ability to get the maximum leverage out of our time together is diminished.

Next steps:

After our live Q&A call, the next module will be available, and it’s full of exercises and practices for engaging and interacting with your Lifetime Guide.