Your downloadable materials & an Offer for you

We want you to have the materials to keep on working with your energy. As you evolve your energy, your body, mind, spirit and emotions will shift. Please feel free to download them here.

We’re not suggesting that you opt out of your treatments for your body. Healing is a journey, and it can take more than one way of addressing an illness or disease. You already know that.

We are suggesting that you keep on keeping on with these practices, too. It doesn’t have to be every day, all day. But do consider doing the meditation several times a week. Let Ellen’s voice guide you through the process until you have it internalized.

Know that you can return to the course at anytime and watch the video again. Please download the materials, because they’re the things that will move the needle on your emotional awareness.

An Offer for you

If you’d like to purchase the remaining chakra and aura clearing skills that we share with students in our CLEAR course, use coupon code mindbody for a 20% discount on the tuition – you’ll save $50. We’d be thrilled to have you own all of the skills, because they can be layered into your Mind-Body clearing protocol in any way you choose.

When you have all the tools, you’ve got all the power!

Buy CLEAR with mindbody
coupon code for 20% off

Next steps:

Whether or not you choose to buy CLEAR, we’d love to have you move to the final step in the course and leave us a review. Your fellow learners make decisions to deepen their learning based on feedback from those who have come before.

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