Common Cause: Conscious Community
My morning pages on the importance of Community, and why we’re fostering one at EHI. Consciously Curious Community
My morning pages on the importance of Community, and why we’re fostering one at EHI. Consciously Curious Community
People get all kinds of hepped up about what they should ‘feel’ when they’re having an energy clearing session. Spoiler alert: that’s not what you need to care about!
What’s the difference between a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘intuitive hit’ and a knowing? In short, clarity, alignment and grounded awareness!
An offering of compassion that your heart may know you are fully present, that you honor yourself, and accept who you are right now.
Energy hygiene is the subject of our Shedding Light on your Energy Questions Series this week. Clients often ask how we keep our spirits up and the space clear when they come and dump their energy. Here’s how!
I’m cultivating Compassion and Neutrality as my way of making a difference, having an impact.
It’s Election Day in the US. No matter the outcome, you might find the ability to cultivate neutrality useful!
There’s a different between putting up barriers in relationships, due to unprocessed wounds, and setting boundaries through clarity, autonomy and sovereignty.
You may have models, content and protocols that only your clients see that could generate impact, entice new clients to your work and generate passive income. Don’t hoard your IP!
If you’re empathic, have ‘guides’ showing up unannounced, or know you have beings or entities in your field, it’s Psychic Interference. Don’t go ‘woo’ – go true!
You’re always on the go. It’s life, right? Rushing from your spiritual practice into your day overlooks the most important part of your practice: integration.
Sometimes speaking your mind falls on deaf ears. But there’s another way to say what needs to be said and be heard.
Peace is a feeling, of course. But the feeling comes from the frequency of peace. Cultivate peace. Join the inner evolution.
What does a solo retreat look like? Whatever you’d like it to! Here’s the anatomy of my recent solo retreat.
When change looms large, it comes with a call. A call for newness, evolution, reclamation, letting go. Inviting what is waiting to emerge is an act of coming home to myself in a new way.