Worrying is Like Praying

Worrying is Like Praying… Well, that was just a partial statement, hence the …. Here’s the rest of the statement: Worrying is Like Praying…for something you don’t want to happen! My friend and co-beekeeper Sue sent me that quote earlier this week. It came on the heels of a meeting with a client, Lucy. Lucy … Read more

Diving into your Dogma

What do you believe?  Do you believe what you believe?  Honey, I’ve got to tell you, we all think some crazy stuff, and when we believe the crazy stuff we think, we set worlds of energy into motion. Dogma can be stultifying, sticky.  You can end up thinking through a lens that is clouded with … Read more

Send Your Shame up in Flames

Well, by now you all realize that I devoted two entire posts to guilt (which you can find here and here).  I have no problems with that, and I’m not justifying a thing.  All I can say is that shame deserves equal time. So what’s the thing with shame?  Why are shame-fests so common?  What’s … Read more

What’s the verdict? Guilty or Not Guilty?

Anyone who has spent any time with me in my practice or my energy healing trainings knows that I am rabidly, insanely, over-the-top bonkers about eliminating guilt from the energy body and field.  It’s right up there with shame in my estimation, but there’s no way I’m wasting the opportunity to write a separate blog … Read more