A few notes to share about this skill:
- The bamboo pole is inserted in front of the spine and behind the chakras.
- There’s a way to activate an energy in the Astral body. You can do it quite easily by ‘saying hello’. If you want to clear a pattern of rage and defensiveness, you’d say ‘hello rage, hello defensiveness.’ It’s not about talking to the emotion, it’s about acknowledging that the energy is there. You’re placing your attention on the energy, and in so doing, you’re observing it and lighting it up. You need not say hello out loud, so no worries that people will think you’re strange!
- Be intentional. If you want to create a new way of behaving and operating, focus on what you want to evolve. If you’ve got a rage pattern, your focus is on calm, containment, peaceful interactions. If defensiveness is your issue, you’ll hone in on openness, accessibility, flexibility.
- Observe. Observe. Observe. Notice when you’re on task with new behaviors, notice when you’re activated and with whom. Later, when you sit down to do some clearing, you can say hello to that emotion and the person (or people) involved in the experience with you, and release a lot of energy!
- With your attention focused on the energy you’re evolving, and your intention aligned with what you’d like to create, your energy clearing is powerful and effective.
- Remember the Running Energy skill you learned a couple of modules back? You’ll want to apply that skill for about 45 seconds to one minute at the end of your clearing. Nature abhors a vacuum, and that bamboo pole really knows how to move your stuff!
And please download the Clearing Emotional Energy pdf and mp3so that you have it to add to your Chakra Clearing Toolkit!
Pick an Emotion to Clear
Give a little bit of thought to behaviors, emotions that own you, that are up and running before you have a moment to choose an alternative response.
Here’s a few examples:
When faced with conflict, Rosalee collapses and is unable to engage. Instead, she bursts into tears, later berating herself for not standing strong within herself and speaking up for her needs. Rosalee would like to clear her conflict avoidance, and her tendency to dissolve into tears. She says ‘hello’ to fear and self-recrimination.
George has a hairpin trigger when things don’t go his way. He tends to shoot first, ask questions later. He’s been described as volatile by his boss, his girlfriend calls him a hothead. He’s tired of reacting before thinking, and he knows it’s an old pattern that he learned from all of the anger and shouting in his house when he was a child. He says ‘hello’ to rage.
Lilly’s anxiety keeps her from participating in new experiences. She often agrees to different activities, then cancels at the last minute because her anxiety rears its head and makes it difficult for her to leave her house. Tired of missing out on life’s pleasures, Lilly is ready to address her anxiety and move on. Lilly says ‘hello’ to anxiety.
Martha is a sensitive and an empath. At one point she felt it made her special and unique. People praised her for her intuitive awareness and thought it was amazing that she was so attuned to energy and emotion. However, it’s become challenging for Martha to maintain her center around large groups of people. Easily overwhelmed emotionally and energetically, Martha’s world is getting smaller and smaller. The list of activities she avoids has become much larger than what she feels comfortable doing. Now she feels called to resolve the energy dysregulation that is creating this sensitivity. She’s ready to shed the empath label and move into a more effective way of engaging her life. Martha says ‘hello’ to sensitivity and overwhelm.
These are examples of emotional energies and patterns that I have seen clients and students resolve time and time again.
The bottom line?
Whatever emotional pattern you’re carrying and acting out can be resolved by developing a practice to routinely Clear Emotional Energy.
Practice the Clearing Emotional Energy skill by listening to the mp3. Then proceed to listen to the questions and answers that other Consciously Curious learners have asked as they’ve internalized this skill.