Sample Treatment Strategies

Three cases, 3 strategies

Review the 3 cases below and the treatment strategy applied to the case.

Case #1

Client 1 has longstanding anger problems. She overreacts and lashes out with her children, her spouse and sometimes with friends and colleagues. She grew up in a household where anger flourished and often masked other emotions that were less acceptable, like anxiety and sadness. She knows that she reacts before she has a chance to step back and consider a response. She’d like to find a way to disagree without overreacting and lashing out. Once she has lashed out, she feels guilty and tells herself she’s a bad wife and mother.

She feels the anger in her chest, and when she’s feeling guilty after her reactivity, it’s in her lower belly.

Intention: I Am calm, clear and measured in my interactions, and use disagreements as an opportunity to learn and reflect on my assumptions and beliefs.

Treatment Strategy:

    • Clearing Emotional Energy
      Anger – 2nd & 4th chakras, hello to children, spouse, parents, friends, colleagues (and anyone who resonates with her anger)
      Guilt & self-hatred – 1st & 2nd chakras, hello to parents (if she is invalidated for her anger by spouse, children, friends, colleagues I’d say hello to them, too). Say hello to anyone who resonates with her guilt, self-hatred.
    • Clearing Cords
      1st, 2nd, 4th chakras – hello to children, spouse, parents, friends, colleagues
    • Programming
      Hello to anger, guilt, shame
      Hello to cyclical pattern…reactive anger followed by guilt & shame
    • Karma
      Hello to parents, children, spouse, friends, colleagues and anyone who resonates with anger
    • Agreements
      Hello to parents, children, spouse, friends, colleagues and anyone who resonates with anger
    • Contracts
      Hello to parents, children, spouse, friends, colleagues and anyone who resonates with anger
    • Rips, Tears, Holes – invalidation of self…guilt, plus potentially any guilt that is overlaid from others
    • Weapons – self-hatred

Case #2

Client 2 is a caretaker. Her second chakra is wide open, as are her hand chakras. She gives herself away from the time she gets out of bed in the morning until she climbs back in at night, exhausted and overwhelmed. Her children are growing up, and she’s finding herself angry about doing chores for them that they can readily do on their own. And her husband is a nightmare. He walks through the door and drops his coat, shoes, briefcase, and leaves a trail of dropped belongings as he makes his way into the bedroom to get out of his business clothes. She follows behind, picking up his belongings and putting them where they belong, muttering under her breath with resentment at his thoughtlessness. She’d like her family members to help with routine chores, but she doubts anyone will follow through on her request for change. She feels her anger in her gut and resentment and frustration in her head. Her throat gets tight when she thinks about confronting the issue and demanding change.

Intention: I Am empowered to focus on and meet my needs and I trust that my family will meet their needs and collaborate on household tasks.

Treatment Strategy:

    • Clearing Emotional Energy
      Anger – 2nd chakra, hello to children & spouse
      Resentment & frustration – 2nd & 6th – hello to spouse
    • Clearing Cords
      2nd, 6th chakras – hello to children, spouse
    • Programming
      Hello to caretaking pattern
      Hello to anger, resentment
    • Karma (caretaking)
      Hello to children, spouse
    • Agreements
      Hello to children, spouse
    • Contracts
      Hello to children, spouse
    • Obstructions (?)
    • Weapons (?)

Case #3

Client 3 is highly codependent in his relationships. His partner is emotionally sensitive and needy, often creating drama to ensure that all attention is focused on him. Client 3 has a stressful and demanding  job, yet finds himself leaving work early to get home to his stay-at-home partner, cook dinner, do the dishes and run errands. Once his partner retires for the night, he returns to work for a few hours before heading to bed himself. He averages 5 hours of sleep a night as a result, and feels depleted and exhausted much of the time. He would like to have a more equal relationship with his partner and stop the cycle of dropping everything to avoid the drama that occurs when his partner gets wound up and needy. Ironically, he’s noticing these behaviors in his boss as well.  He feels the stress and pressure with his partner in his stomach. It literally has given him indigestion and reflux. And he feels the exhaustion and depletion in his heart, leading him to wonder if he and his partner are really meant to be together.

Intention: I Am autonomous and self-responsible, setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries in my relationships.

Treatment Strategy:

    • Clearing Emotional Energy
      Stress – 3rd chakra, hello to partner (and anyone who resonates with patterns)
      Depletion/exhaustion – 4th chakra, hello to partner (and anyone who resonates with patterns)
    • Clearing Cords
      3rd, 4th chakras – hello to partner (and anyone who resonates with patterns)
    • Programming
      Hello to codependence, anyone who resonates
      Hello to stress, depletion, anyone who resonates
    • Karma (codependence)
      Hello to partner, anyone who resonates
    • Agreements
      Hello to partner, anyone who resonates
    • Contracts
      Hello to partner, anyone who resonates

Repeat, repeat, repeat

These treatment strategies are used repeatedly in sessions as you work on resolving the client issues. They’ll also inform the skills work you offer the client, i.e., which skills you’ll teach when (note that I haven’t got a lot of chakra setting info in these treatment strategies, though you’ll gather those insights in your Session Notes). The treatment strategy may evolve over time as more details emerge, or as things begin to shift. New people to say hello to, different emotions lighting up, more programming, less agreements. You’ll refine the strategy as needed as the case unfolds.

Next steps:

Your next Lesson and set of Topics prepare you for teaching skills and developing protocols for your clients.