The case for teaching skills

Evolution is iterative

When a client enters your practice to resolve and shift toxic patterns, behaviors, beliefs, relationships, or aspects of themselves they are ready to evolve, your task is to identify a scope of work, and then pursue the client’s evolution through regular sessions. Not every client can afford weekly sessions, in fact, some may only be able to come to a session every 6 weeks! Without the client doing ongoing clearing work in their chakras and aura, how long do you suppose it will take for a shift to occur in the client’s experience? Conceivably months or even years, depending on how entrenched the issue is in the client’s worldview.

Got a calculator?

How many hours are there in a week? 24 hours x 7 days = 168 hours
If a client sees you once a week for an hour, how many hours in the week are spent without an energy healing focus on shifting and resolving patterns or issues? 168 hours – 4 hourly sessions = 164 hours

How many hours are there in a month? 24 hours x 30 days = 720 hours
If a client sees you once a month for an hour, how many hours are spent without an energy healing focus on shifting and resolving patterns or issues? 720 hours – 1 hour = 719 hours

Now, think about some of your practice clients: how many of them are wanting to change a long-standing pattern, behavior, difficult relationship or perhaps a limiting belief or story? Most of them! If you see them sporadically, and their gains are slow to emerge as a result, does that bode well for their continued work with you? Maybe not.

Enter Clearing Skills!

Teaching skills to clients does so many fabulous things for your clients, and your practice:

  • Actionable tools that help the client continue to focus on and resolve their issues puts them in the driver’s seat of their evolution. Who’s the healer, after all? You or the client?
  • The value of your work with the client is increased when you teach them how to evolve their energy when they’re not in a session with you. They see you as a trusted resource and guide, they have access to tools that help them shift and grow, and they have someone to share their experience with, who speaks their language, as they use the tools and see themselves growing and evolving.
  • While your value increases, the client’s dependency on you decreases. It’s a trap to want to be the client’s ‘healer’. Having clients who need you because they can’t stand on their own eventually backfires. It may feel good for the short-term to have someone dependent on your for their healing and evolution, but over time, it’s quite limiting. Clients who are heavily dependent often fail to progress because they place the power in the hands of the practitioner, and not themselves. Eventually the clients lack of progress gets laid at your feet. You haven’t done enough, you haven’t fixed them. Teaching them skills lays their progress exactly where it belongs, in the client’s two hands!
  • When a client chooses not to use the tools that you teach them, assuming that they were contextually relevant, and you’ve done a good job selling them the value of doing their own work between sessions, you’ll be able to work to help people rise to the occasion and do the work, or perhaps to encourage them to find a process that more adequately addresses their needs. (In other words, you might choose to fire the client because they’re not partnering you in the work.)
  • The skills help demystify energy work. The chakras and the aura are wildly misunderstood in spiritual circles. They’re often perceived as magical and mysterious, and sometimes they’re seen as all powerful, as if the chakras in particular have sovereignty over the individual. When clients understand that the chakras and aura respond to thoughts, beliefs, patterned/learned behaviors and that they are simply doing what they’ve been taught to do, the skills become resources that help the client take up the reins of their life. The chakras and aura become accessible and understood, and New Age-y, ungrounded beliefs about them can be put to rest.
  • The key to teaching skills to clients is to use the client case a guide, and to ‘sell’ the skills instead of ‘assigning homework’.

Next steps:

Move on to the next Task to explore more about teaching skills to clients. We’ll be looking at what to teach when, and why.