What Will I Feel in an Energy Healing Session?

Our Monthly Series: Shedding Light on Your Energy Questions

Clients can assume they need to feel things in their body or awareness during an energy clearing session. If they don’t feel anything tangible, maybe nothing’s happening, maybe the session isn’t helping.

Is this really true? Does this speak to the practitioner’s efficacy? Or the client’s ability to receive the healing? Does energy clearing need to be a deeply spiritual experience or magically transformative in the moment to prove that it’s working?

Let’s take a look at what happens during an energy clearing session to dispel this new age myth, and why the client’s experience on the table is never the main event and has little to do with the process of growth and evolution.

Pulling back the curtain

There is a mystique surrounding energy healing. It’s an intangible modality that can feel a bit mysterious and mystical. When practitioners see new clients, there’s often a few nervously worded questions, such as:

What should I expect to have happen?

What should I feel?

How will I know that something is happening?

Sometimes there’s a story about someone else’s experience:

My friend Barbara said she felt tingles up and down her body, and she even thought she levitated off the table!

It’s common for clients to wait for sensations, to track what the practitioner is doing, and wonder ‘am I doing this right?’. Especially when they feel nothing at all!

Watching an EHI certified practitioner work during a session may not look like much. Sometimes the practitioner’s hands are on the client’s body, sometimes they’re moving around above the client’s body. Sometimes several minutes elapse with the practitioner’s hands held in one place on the client’s shoulders, hips or feet.

It’s not overly sexy. In fact, EHI practitioners often help their clients understand that their role is not dissimilar to a trash collectors! We drive up to the curb (the client’s body), and release whatever trash the client unconsciously chooses to throw away. Believe it or not, the chakras and aura are the equivalent of the trash cans!

Should a client feel what the practitioner is doing? Nope. It doesn’t matter, folks!

Here’s the thing: Your experience & perception of energy is your own

Clients have all kinds of experiences while on the table during a session. There’s no right or wrong way to be a client!

Many people fall asleep and snore their way through their appointment.

Others feel a pulling sensation where the practitioner’s hands are.

Heat, cold and tingling are common experiences too.

Tummy’s gurgle.

Limbs twitch.

And for lots, nothing happens, and they simply lie there and rest.

It’s all good!

And none of it is important to your personal growth, evolution and healing. So don’t get too excited about whatever you feel or don’t feel during a session.

Instead, Observe what happens in your daily life

There’s no need or benefit to sorting through your trash as you throw it out. The benefit is the space that gets created as you let go.

EHI practitioners are hired by their clients to work a case – we don’t jeuje and fluff auras, we support evolution. We support letting go of story, emotions, behaviors and patterns that inhibit being Who You Are.

You may have an ongoing experience of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that’s winding you up.

You may have relationship challenges — such as a lack of boundaries, or attracting relationships that are toxic and distressingly familiar.

You may be stuck in repetitive patterns or behaviors like caretaking, perfectionism, mental perseveration.

Or unresolved trauma stories that activate old, outdated wounds that keep you from experiencing the real magic of authentic self-actualization.

Your Life is Where the Magic Happens!

As you clear energy, you evolve.

As you clear energy, the patterns, behaviors, relationships and emotional distress resolve.

Here’s what you should feel during an energy clearing session

When my clients ask:

What should I expect to have happen?

What should I feel?

How will I know that something is happening?

I say: What happens on the table isn’t the work. What happens in your life is where I want you focused. Watch the magic unfold, incrementally, day by day.

Celebrate the shifts you notice, no matter if they’re teensy or enormous.

Validate your ability to shift, grow, heal and evolve.

That’s what’s important – no matter what your friend Barbara says!

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