
What a beautiful word. Whole-ing. It evokes the promise of completion, evolution, new beginnings. Living into a new state of wholeness. Whole-ing also speaks to process; the journey, the ride. I love Whole-ing. CK’s Webster’s: Whole-ing. Verb: A conscious individual’s ongoing creation of experiences cultivating growth, learning, healing. Through Whole-ing, causal energy is articulated, acknowledged … Read more

Manifestation – It’s Not For Sissies

CK doesn’t mean that exactly.  But CK does mean that manifestation is both entirely simple and overwhelmingly complex.  Thus, not for sissies. Simple: Intention + Attention + Energy = Manifestation Simple.  You choose what you want to create (intention).  You put your focus on the desired creation (attention).  You take appropriate steps and actions (energy). … Read more