Energy Healing Institute


Bright orange flowers with dark, misty woods in background

What’s in a Name?

A strategic growth plan makes all the difference in creating a professional practice, where you’re proud to call yourself a practitioner!

Energy Hygiene in Client Sessions

Energy hygiene is the subject of our Shedding Light on your Energy Questions Series this week. Clients often ask how we keep our spirits up and the space clear when they come and dump their energy. Here’s how!

A cane or pink roses growing against a white brick wall

Boundaries, not Barriers

There’s a different between putting up barriers in relationships, due to unprocessed wounds, and setting boundaries through clarity, autonomy and sovereignty.

Great blue heron with fish in its mouth

Where do you place your focus?

Energy healing uses your story to identify patterns, themes, behaviors and energy regulation issues. Then we focus on what you want to create instead – the antidote to your story!