Energy Healing Institute


guilt low vibration

Thoughts on Guilt

Anyone who has spent any time with me knows that I am rabidly, insanely, over-the-top bonkers about eliminating guilt from the energy body and field.  

Beyond Reiki

Beyond Reiki – deepening your healing practice

Reiki is a reasonable start for exploring how energy informs health and wellness. For those who are ready to study energy healing deeply, move beyond Reiki. Taking the work up a few levels beyond Reiki is an important next step in becoming a practitioner who serves a wide spectrum of issues and people. 

energy protocol

What is an Energy Protocol?

You can use energy protocols for a variety of healing topics, such as letting go of invalidation; owning your worth; making lasting change in relationships; creating the life you want; or releasing negative beliefs about feeling unlovable.


Your Reaction is a Mask

In this post, I share about my anger pattern, and how I’ve used energy work to outgrow it. We’ll talk about what’s hiding behind your reactions and go-to emotions.