Coaches, Therapists, Integrative Practitioners – Are you Hoarding your IP?

Have you ever thought that your models, protocols and health and wellness strategies are a best kept secret? If the only ones who know about them are your clients, then guess what? They are!

Hoarding your IP is potentially robbing you of income that you could actively cultivate and passively receive. Actively cultivate through your regular marketing strategy and through your ongoing client work, and passively receive through the Buy Button on your website!

Story: EHI Does Not Hoard its IP

Almost 13 years ago, I developed a live, free, online course as a lead magnet. Hundreds of people registered for my one-hour run through of The Present of Presence, becoming contacts I could nurture through my ongoing email regime.

Years later, this course remains my lead magnet, but it is fully online and self-paced. And as before, hundreds of people complete the course and join my email list.

EHI gives the course away for free, and for us that’s totally fine because it creates two strategic opportunities for us. The first: new people on our list who are interested in what we’re teaching and offering, thus the opportunity to get to know them and interact with them through sharing content in our emails. The other opportunity is that participants complete the prerequisites that exist for any of our courses for personal evolution and professional practice! We never have to teach these skills; we simply direct people to the free course to acquire and practice them.

It’s low hanging fruit, bringing people up the learning curve of the content EHI offers, consistently delivered, on demand. Our only job is to market it through our regular communication vehicles.

Beyond that, all of EHI’s content is online. We have strategies for engaging with our consciously curious learners, but we don’t have to do a lot of repetitive teaching, because we’ve built courses and programs that do the heavy lifting for us!

Lucy’s Programs Codify Her IP

Lucy has a series of coaching programs for her niche market.

The first level program is a series of courses that she offers to start-up businesses who aren’t ready for coaching, but need support and guidance as they launch their businesses. These clients are nurtured until they have grown their business and are ready to benefit from her coaching practice. Her courses offer value to the start-up businesses without her spending any time and effort to nurture their fledgling businesses – which they couldn’t afford to pay. New entrepreneurs are exposed to her work, and can get business development support via the course content at a very low price point.

Her second level program is for an established tier of entrepreneurs; they’ve reached the point where they are in need of additional support and knowledge to grow beyond their current ability to thrive. Lucy has run group coaching programs for this sweet spot group of entrepreneurs for years, repeating the same content, models, worksheets, exercises with every cohort. She’s recognized that she loves the interim coaching calls the best. It’s where she brings her magic and zone of genius to the content she offers. Thus, she’s converted the group program content into an online learning program interspersed with live calls to illuminate and integrate what the participants are learning and that showcases her genius and coaching strengths. A win-win for her and her clients – the material remains accessible to the students to access and review throughout the program, Lucy no longer has to teach repetitive content, and her clients get the very best of Lucy on the live calls; she’s on fire with her passion for helping her clients integrate and implement their learning.

Ben’s Courses Expand his IP

Ben is an integrative practitioner who works with clients with certain core issues. There are five specific protocols that he needs his clients to follow as they proceed through their treatment. He found he was fielding a lot of repetitive questions – by email, phone call and even with clients interrupting their treatment to get answers. It was impacting the calibre of his treatments, and also his workflow. Ben worked with me to develop five short courses that wrapped around each treatment protocol, and charged a one-time fee for access to each set of course materials. The majority of his clients were happy to pay for additional information and insights about their treatment process, and Ben saved time while generating passive income.

How Can You Share Your IP?

Take a step back. Ask yourself:

  • What do I talk about repeatedly that could be packaged into a short course, or could flesh out a program?
  • What content can I give away for free, or for a very low cost, as a lead magnet that would increase exposure to my business, connect with potential clients and illustrate my offer?
  • What can I give away for free, or for a very low cost, that would client compliance of their part of our work together, offer deeper explanation and support, or add value to what I already provide?
  • What aspects of my programs or offer could be lifted off of my shoulders and delivered consistently as training, freeing me up to do my magic from my zone of genius?

Can I Help You with Your IP?

Training is my zone of genius. I’ve been intimately involved in designing and developing courses and programs for clients for 35 years! I used to do it in corporate America, and while good at it, the content mostly bored me.

But now – working in the space of human potential, evolution and transformation? I’m all over the stuff!

I’ve built multiple courses and programs for EHI over the years, and have enjoyed transitioning into Business Consulting Services with clients in the human potential space on their course & program needs. I can help you build out your lead magnet, group programs, or content for your coaching, therapy clients, or the patients in your integrative practice. The goal – to elevate your platform, ease the burden of delivery, and provide clients and patients with extraordinary value, while you do the part of your work you love the most.

I have space for one or two additional clients as the 4th quarter opens up. If you’re interested in chatting about this, grab a slot on my calendar.

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