Feeding Your Spiritual Practice

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A Buffet of Delicious Resources for keeping your practice vital, interesting and supportive of your desire to fully embody Who You Are.

What inspires you in your practice today? For many of us, the routine of our practice is fulfilling, it brings us continually home to ourselves. And yet, there are times when my practice feels like it needs a lift, like I want to do something different to spice things up, to grow in new ways, to expand my conscious awareness.

Feeding Your Spiritual Practice: A buffet of delicious resources is your smorgasbord for new and interesting ways to connect within.

EHI is a big proponent of clearing energy – that’s what the CLEAR course is all about. It’s an important piece of my practice, and has been for 35 years! Ellen also uses these skills daily, and teaches them to her clients, just as I do.

Energy clearing strips away the layers of who you are not, revealing the authentic self, the precious core of you. And from there? Consciousness becomes the reason to keep clearing, keep growing and evolving.

Here’s what we have for you:

  • Appetizers are lighter practices – there are two on the table:
    • The Power of Intention – manifestation, evolution are supported by a focalizing intention
    • The Role of Your Observer – the importance of observations as a key to inner evolution
  • Entrees are deeper, more evolutionary practices – dig deep into these two hearty offerings:
    • Discerning Somatized Emotion from Body Pain – teasing out physical pain from emotional pain held in the body
    • Creating a Do-over – visualizing a more nuanced, aligned, sophisticated outcome for an experience to support your healing & evolution
  • Desserts are finishing touches, sweeteners – two delicious treats for spiritual awareness:
    • Essence to Essence Interactions – when it’s better not to speak, but you still have something to say!
    • Integrating Evolution – elevating your spiritual practice to include observation and integration

As always, feel free to connect with us via the Comments area in each Lesson. You’ll notice that the Topics, beneath the Lessons, have no areas for making Comments. So simply return to the Lesson, drop your comment or question, and we’ll respond very quickly.

Enjoy this buffet of spiritual tools for enlivening and enriching your practice!

Next steps:

Choose the item you’d like from the buffet, and click on it to get started!

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4 thoughts on “Feeding Your Spiritual Practice”

    • Hi Rose – your essence self is moved out of your field after the connection process because your personality (the physical body and emotional awareness you operate through day in, day out) is sovereign. And the essence is so much larger than the personality. It would be akin to having the Earth living within the confines of Manhattan.

  1. It appears we have to complete both appetizers before moving to entrees? Loved the first appetizer, it was exactly what I needed right now 🙂 Perfect timing!

    • Hi Elisa – a slight technical hiccup which is now fixed. Proceed and enjoy! We’re so glad to hear it’s just what you needed! We love it too.


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