What do you believe? Do you believe what you believe? Honey, I’ve got to tell you, we all think some crazy stuff, and when we believe the crazy stuff we think, we set worlds of energy into motion.
Dogma can be stultifying, sticky. You can end up thinking through a lens that is clouded with the wisps of a perceived reality or way of being that may or may not be true for you.
For example, we collectively believe that killing people who kill people is the way to teach people not to kill people. Now there’s a good idea. Circular logic is always effective, right?
We believe all kinds of things and these beliefs inform our reality.
When was the last time you looked at what YOU believe? What you attend to? What you empower in your awareness? Because, believe me, your beliefs create your world.

Start with what you like about your world. What beliefs inform that goodness? Want to take a look and see what you’ve internalized as true that’s generating your world’s goodness?
- Get comfortable, feet flat on the floor (or sit cross-legged on the floor)
- Take a few deep breaths, and settle into your inner awareness
- Reflect on the goodness in your world – relationships, fulfilling work, the ways you connect to your environment – whatever comes to your awareness
- Pick one of those things to dive into your dogma and see what motivates and informs that goodness
- Imagine a rose out in front of you, at arm’s length
- Using the rose as a container, invite your beliefs that inform that goodness to move out of your mental body and your 6th chakra on to the rose
- Examine your beliefs – they’re usually fairly broad concepts – the world is safe, I am held by the Universe, I am creator and creation
- Repeat as desired

Are there things in your world that you don’t like? What beliefs inform that unpleasantness? Want to take a look and see what you’ve internalized as true that’s generating your world’s unpleasantness?
- Get comfortable, feet flat on the floor (or sit cross-legged on the floor)
- Take a few deep breaths, and settle into your inner awareness
- Reflect on the unpleasantness in your world – relationships, work, your sense of connection – whatever comes to your awareness
- Pick one of those things to dive into your dogma and see what motivates and informs that unpleasantness
- Imagine a rose out in front of you, at arm’s length
- Using the rose as a container, invite your beliefs that inform that unpleasantness to move out of your mental body and your 6th chakra on to the rose
- Examine your beliefs – they’re usually fairly broad concepts – I am alone, I am unloved, I am unsafe, I am unseen
- Repeat as desired
As you come online with your beliefs and see how you hold yourself, you can make changes. People often realize that they have more power over their situations and their life experiences when they begin to examine their beliefs. And change them.
You may find yourself expanding your beliefs that inspire your goodness experiences. And I hope you will rewrite your beliefs that inspire your unpleasantness experiences.
Here’s an example of an expanded goodness – I am creator and creation and I own my life fully, relishing and learning from my experiences
Here’s an example of rewritten unpleasantness – I am loved, by myself and by others
As you expand or rewrite your beliefs, return to the exercise above.
- Place the expanded and rewritten beliefs on the rose
- Sense, view, feel the shifts in your awareness as you take up the energy of an evolved belief
- Then bring them home, off the rose and back into the mental body and your 6th chakra
See how easy it can be to shift your dogma? Believe me, you can do it!
Keep your vital energy flowing…