Spirals & energy healing

The Healing Spiral

When we understand that our dysfunctional patterns, behaviors, issues, relationships often repeat themselves, even as we work to move beyond them, we can let ourselves off the hook. Healing is a spiral, you’ll come back to the same themes and issues repeatedly, clear them out and meet them again. Eventually you’ll shift the patterns completely. Be nice to yourself, clear your energy, and acknowledge the spiral!

Integration and Thriving – Part 5

As the client moves from sovereignty and autonomy into thriving, their awareness is integrated, the trauma story is not forgotten, it’s simply not the driver of how the client engages with themselves, others, and their experiences. Healing continues from a joyful place of alignment and conscious awareness.

Achieving Autonomy & Sovereignty – Part 4

It’s a sacred privilege to witness clients as they begin to achieve a sense of self that is not defined by their trauma experience. These good people are finding their sovereignty, and actualizing a life they conscious choose instead of reacting from the energy of old stories and experiences.

Embodiment & Inner Safety – Part 2

When trauma occurs, one strategy or approach for managing the emotional chaos, upset and difficulty is to dissociate. In energetic terms, this is known as disembodiment. To heal from trauma, embodiment is essential.

Energy Healing & Trauma Recovery – Part 1

Energy healers have healed their trauma Many who have healed from trauma in their own lives now serve as energy healing practitioners to support others to evolve beyond their trauma. A noble and understandable choice. Yet, trauma is complicated. There is no single measure of how bad someone’s trauma is, nor is there any single … Read more