Acknowledging & Releasing – the energy of letting go – Part 3

Energy Healing & Trauma Recovery — Part 3

[Read Part 1. Read Part 2.]

As trauma is unpacked and processed therapeutically, the energy hat holds it in place in the clients awareness becomes accessible for acknowledgement and letting go. The client can release the energy, move beyond the story and the way it has defined the client’s experience. The client can then begin to find new footing, possibilities, and personal autonomy.

Sometimes therapeutic process can stall a bit as the stories and experiences are rehashed and talked through. There is important insight and emotional catharsis, yet the client may not automatically let go of the energy of the wounds and stories, inhibiting the invitation for new behaviors, habits, and experiences to form and be assimilated.

Energy clearing becomes a very powerful resource for letting go of and resolving the charge of the bound up wounds and stories. To be clear, the story doesn’t change or disappear. It is what it is. The experiences cannot be magically erased. To do so would be to invalidate the person’s experience and wisdom. Rather, energy healing releases the charge, the current that causes the client to recycle the traumatized emotions, behaviors, and patterns.

Letting go sponsors evolution

A competent energy practitioner knows how to clear emotional energies, behaviors, and patterns. Letting go with energy healing acknowledges the experiences that occurred without generating significant and triggering activation. Practitioners at EHI are taught the importance of working intentionally and appropriately to release the energies without triggering a reaction.

Should a client have a reactivation of the trauma with an inappropriately trained energy healer, the client is left in a vacuum that the healer is unable to bridge or fill. This is why it is essential for collaboration with the client’s therapist, and so important that those seeking to help people heal from trauma learn what they need to know to be an effective resource and catalyst for healing. 

One of the hallmarks of EHI’s practitioner programs is the collaborative and intentional approach to any treatment session. This approach ensures that the client’s energy body is not assaulted with any type of agenda that the practitioner is holding. The practitioner is instead inviting evolution and clearing based on what the client is ready to acknowledge and let go.

Collaboration with a therapist

When working in conjunction with a trained trauma therapist, energy work is a powerful conduit for evolution. The therapist and client work together to contextualize the story; identifying the behaviors, patterns, emotions that the client would like to evolve and resolve. The client brings awareness of the behaviors, patterns and emotions to the energy healing session. The practitioner focuses the intake process on understanding the intention of the work and the behaviors to be addressed, not delving into the trauma stories.

Intention informs the clearing work

The energy practitioner does not need the details of the stories to support the client to let go of the anxiety patterning and the disembodiment. Rather, the practitioner collaborates with the client to create an intention for their work together, and holds that intention throughout every session and energy clearing treatment to support the client’s capacity to let go, heal, shift, grow and evolve. A powerful, clear, concise intention to hold for a client recovering from trauma might be, ‘I am calm, present, grounded and resourceful in my response to my experiences.’

As the energy clearing commences, this intention focalizes the work. It organizes the engagement and collaboration between the client and the practitioner. The client gives his or her buy-in to the intention, and the practitioner clears the energies that inhibit the client actualizing this intention in real-time. Because both the client and the practitioner are focused on the positive intention of calm, grounded, resourceful presence, the clearing work is not triggering or traumatizing. Rather, it’s a bit like sweeping out dusty corners and wiping down shelves.

I often say that energy practitioners who are extremely effective in their practice work are akin to highly paid trash collectors. Trash collectors never sort through the trash at the curb or enter anyone’s home to pick through the garbage. They simply drive up to the curb, dump the containers’ contents, and move on to the next house on the street.

That’s the job of an energy practitioner. Because they don’t set an agenda or determine what stays and what goes. They don’t need to be enrolled in the story or wade through the details. They work with the patterns and emotions from a positive perspective, inviting the energetic antidote to the pattern or behavior that the client wants to resolve. And the client’s role? Letting go. Acknowledging the existence of the inhibiting energy in the field, and releasing it so that new awareness can emerge.

Letting go begets evolution

Energy healing as an integral resource to trauma recovery is powerful, affirming, and evolutionary. Every individual who has experienced trauma deserves to heal, let go, and evolve. They deserve to move through and beyond the suffering to the light of autonomy, presence, and self-awareness.

I encourage trauma therapists to explore energy modalities as a resource to supporting their clients’ healing and evolution. I encourage every individual who has experienced trauma to seek out the best possible support and resources to help clear and resolve the energies that hold the trauma in place.

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