Download the Chakra Overview reference material

You may find this reference material on the Chakras useful as you learn about and explore your energy.

All Chakra books and materials (including this overview) are helpful to the intellectual understanding of Chakras.

However, the best way to know and comprehend your Chakras is to be with them. To meditatively explore and clear them.

In fact, the more you can learn to dialogue and interact with your energy, the greater level of mastery you’ll achieve with energy work.

Your intellect is amazing, fabulous and essential.

Your Chakras don’t interact with your intellect, they interact with your being.

So read away, and do your best to ‘be’ with the content.

And then dive in and discover. Your Chakras are waiting for you!

Download the Chakra Overview and the Astral Chakras & Aura Chart for your reference throughout this course.