Modified Intake Process

Two primary changes:

In a remote session, you’ll be standing at your massage table, facilitating an energy healing session with no live body on the table.

However, your session intention, the client’s name, your focus on the case, and your knowledge and application of the skills and clearing practices make remote sessions an absolutely effective form of energy healing. In many cases, I would even argue remote sessions are more effective than in-person ones because the distractions are eliminated, and the client is relaxing in the comfort of their own home.

There are two primary changes to the Intake process that you’ll need for the initial remote session you deliver to your clients.

When you download the Remote Session Initial Intake form, you’ll see two questions at the very end of the Intake document.

The questions are:

How tall are you?

When you lie flat on your back on your bed or a massage table, what position do your feet rest comfortably in? Straight up, flopped to the sides, left straight up, right flopped down, etc.

You need the answers to these questions so you can successfully run a client session with awareness of where the client’s chakras are, and where they start and stop on the table!

If you know the way the client’s feet rest on the table, you’ll know how to source and work with their feet chakras.

Armed with this information, a client case, a treatment strategy, you’re ready to conduct a remote session! In fact, you may want to make this Intake Form your new form for all client sessions so that should you need to switch to a remote format with a client, you’re ready to go.

Next steps:

Download the Remote Initial Session Client Intake Form for your ongoing session work with practice clients. Then proceed to the next Topic in the Lesson.