A Cause for Compassion

America voted. A choice was made.

Some people are elated, others are devastated. Some are celebrating, others are raging. Some are joyous, others are terrified.

I won’t lie, I had very strong feelings about the election results. I allowed all of my feelings because suppressing them isn’t effective for me. Concurrently, I went to work on establishing my neutrality (which is clean and clear, but NOT passive). It took me a while to get there, but I kept at it. When I landed in neutrality, I found the space where I could cultivate and feel compassion.

Compassion – an active inner practice

The inner practice I’m cultivating right now is neutrality and compassion. Why?

Because I can’t be effective when I’m enraged. I can’t be effective when I’m terrified. I can’t be effective when I’m devastated. I can only be effective when I’m operating in neutrality and compassion.

I understand that this choice may not work for everyone. No judgment! We all have to find our own way to be in times of extraordinary uncertainty.

From reactivity and despair into neutrality and compassion

One thing I know for sure (for me), is that I can channel my reactivity into neutrality, my anger and despair into compassion. I can turn my fear into love, and perhaps here, in this inner place is a way forward, for me.

I no longer live in the US. I moved to Portugal in 2021. My reasons for leaving were influenced by my disenchantment with the US response to the pandemic, houselessness, the increasing divisiveness of US politics. and the rhetoric about guns. But the most prevalent inspiration behind my departure was my sense of freedom and my desire for adventure that emerged from creating a wholly online business.

In the 3 years I’ve been living outside the US, my perspective has shifted. I have become much more aligned with the global collective than the US one.

I’ve recognized that my capacity to make a difference, to have impact, is through my perspective, my insight, my wisdom, acquired over years of experience. These are subjective things. My perspective, insight, wisdom may not be yours. I accept that. For you and for me.

Compassion – how I can make a difference

With however many years are left to me now, I want to make a difference through presence, neutrality, compassion, integrity, alignment and connection. And humor. Because for me, humor makes space for everything else.

I am not asking anyone to agree with me. I’m not asking anyone to argue with me. I’m not asking for anything at all.

I’m simply noting that I believe there is a case (and a cause), for neutrality, compassion, presence, integrity, alignment and connection. And humor.

It’s what I want for all of us. Because I suspect that if we find those qualities within ourselves, they’ll become available to others. As we make those qualities available to others, perhaps some of that will further emanate from them. It could be contagious!

Compassion is an upper chakra emanation

EHI teaches practitioners to work with the energy of compassion with themselves, and with their clients. Compassion provides space and clear connection. It doesn’t imply agreement with someone else’s feelings or point of view, rather it establishes presence and neutral witnessing, without merging with (or usurping) others’ emotions.

Compassion is a high vibration energy that emerges from that space in the upper chest where you place your hand when someone says something that deeply touches you. It is a flow-state, a frequency and awareness that all of us can access and cultivate.

a guide for creating the energy of compassion

Compassion is my offering

I don’t believe our global problems will get resolved through divisiveness, hatred, rancor and rage. I believe anger can fuel right action, but it has to be tempered with compassion, a desire for justice, equality and the neutrality to hear and understand that the way that appears ‘right’ may need to be balanced, tempered and shifted for the greater good of all.

Compassion is my offering, on this day, one week after the US election.

Learn Energy Healing

2 thoughts on “A Cause for Compassion”

  1. Dear Jill,

    This post and exercise was so helpful!! The change in my mind and body happened immediately after I filled my compassion center with rose quartz energy. As that energy moved through me and connected with my heart chakra, I felt peace, alignment and presence! This is the best I’ve felt since the election. I will continue doing this! I’m so grateful for you and love you, Jill!


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