How can I be OK, when I’m not OK?
Are you finding it difficult to cultivate presence with the world in such an uproar? Simple practices support presence and enable you to be OK when you’re NOT OK.
Are you finding it difficult to cultivate presence with the world in such an uproar? Simple practices support presence and enable you to be OK when you’re NOT OK.
People get all kinds of hepped up about what they should ‘feel’ when they’re having an energy clearing session. Spoiler alert: that’s not what you need to care about!
What’s the difference between a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘intuitive hit’ and a knowing? In short, clarity, alignment and grounded awareness!
Energy hygiene is the subject of our Shedding Light on your Energy Questions Series this week. Clients often ask how we keep our spirits up and the space clear when they come and dump their energy. Here’s how!
What happens during a remote energy healing session? How is it different from an in-person session? Read about it here!
The first article in a series shedding light on commonly asked questions about energy, consciousness and evolution. You’re always invited to ask us your questions for inclusion in a future post.
You’re always on the go. It’s life, right? Rushing from your spiritual practice into your day overlooks the most important part of your practice: integration.
Creation and manifestation are more readily achieved with a powerful, consciously held intention
Being a single mother is a challenging role – because it has multiple roles! Energy healing supported Ellen Donaldson as she embraced the role and its teachings, and Tom grew and flew.
The shift from focusing on the disease and its symptomology to aligning with health, vitality and healing is spiritual warriorship.
Learn Ellen Donaldson’s Four Anchoring Practices to support health and wellness.