The Best of Humanity

An additional Chakra Khan post comes out today on the #bealeader blog.  Titled Power Up! The Energetics of Leadership

This is a summary of a Remote Collective Healing emailed to the 120+ known participants held on Tuesday, 4/16/2013, the day following the explosion at the Boston Marathon.  My gratitude to the participants for joining in intention, energy and unity.  Because of the nature of energy, reading and contemplating the message here brings your essence into the Collective.  Please join us.

The Collective Intention:

I stand in unity, peace and fellowship with humanity.  I am the light that shines in darkness, bringing comfort and solace to families and loved ones affected by the explosions at the Boston Marathon.

In this place of conscious awareness, The Collective’s energy, vitality and integrity brings light, balance, peace and harmony, dissipating fear, tension, hatred and grief.

I stand in unity, peace and fellowship with humanity.

The work began by creating a Collective ‘bubble’ that held a fragment of the essence of each participant in the group.  As the Collective came together and congealed, the energy was palpable and almost overwhelming.  I asked the Collective which emotions needed clearing and release to be able to achieve coherence and alignment with our unified intent.  I said hello to anything that obstructed or diminished our ability to stand in unity, peace and fellowship with humanity.

As the energies released and cleared, it was easy to discern the sadness, grief, loss, concern, anxiety that accompanies these type of mass experiences such as occurred in Boston on Monday.  There was also a palpable anger, not for revenge, rather anger about the senseless nature of hate crimes and violence.  That released as well.

Behind that – another pattern emerged; the focus on ‘what will happen next.’  Lovely people, please consider your thoughts.  Focusing on what might happen next in our collective world, what other crisis – man made or Earth generated – might be waiting around the corner, or sitting in expectancy that the world’s instability will spawn another crisis feeds that energy and potentiality.  Energy flows where attention goes.

No Pollyanna’s required; rather a focus on Conscious Collaboration with the light, refusing to turn your thoughts, energy, focus, attention on what might happen next.  It is an act of grace and defiance of the status quo.

As the release wound down, I invited light, balance, flow, coherence, peace, harmony, love and fellowship to inform the Collective energies.

And the Collective shifted.  The energy vibrating in the field began to scintillate, a definite sign of evolution in conscious awareness.  There was a sense of unification within the Collective; I scribbled the time; 7:19.

Using a sound healing for deep meditation, I began radiating the light, flow, coherence, fellowship, harmony, love out to the city of Boston.  To the runners, their families and loved ones.  To the Back Bay, Boylston Street, the adjoining streets and neighborhoods.  To the volunteers, the spectators, the officials, sponsors.  To the city and its surroundings.  To the river and the bay.

The energy flowing generated more energy flow.  Wave upon wave of energy radiating from the unified intention and energy of 120+ lights in the Cosmos.

Tears flowing, mine, others.  Moved by the shared intent, the beauty of the light, the healing balm for a sore city.  From our compassionate heart to the hearts of all who live and love here, and to those from afar who love here, too.

To the family who lost their 8-year old son and whose daughter suffered an extreme injury.  To those who were injured and traumatized.  To all of the children who witnessed what children should never see.  To all of the adults who witnessed what adults should never see.

At 7:40, a regrouping of the Collective.  A retraction and pulling in.  At first, a small concern, and then the realization that the group was galvanizing, reaching deeper into the core, bringing strength, clarity, a vision of peace.

As I held the Collective space, my thoughts turned to the ways in which each of us know and understand that we are all human, that we are here to learn and experience our humanity.  That in these moments where we experience the worst that humanity can offer, we also bring our best, most compassionate selves.  We rally, come together, serve without expectation.

And as the idea of service without expectation merged into the Collective, the energy expanded and began radiating outward again.

This continued until 7:55 when I began disbanding the Collective and releasing our essences from the container that held our work together.

My heart full, my emotions overflowing with gratitude, peace and harmony.

Each one of us is connected to one another organically, as members of planet Earth.  And each of us now carries a distinct connection from the process of coming together with shared intent, energy and light.

May your days and moments be blessed with this connection, and with gratitude and thanks for the privilege of holding this space on behalf of our beloved city and its people.

If you’d like to share this post with others who would appreciate the Collective Intention and energy, please feel free to do so.

Keep your vital energy flowing!

Learn Energy Healing

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