I heard a very powerful statement in a meeting I attended earlier this week. The attendees are business owners who have built or are building memberships for their audience, in our case, EHI’s Consciously Curious Community.
There’s a lot to learn about building an engaged, connected cohort, so this small, intimate group of entrepreneurs is meaningful to me. It’s a mandatory event on my calendar. I enjoy listening to what other people are doing, hearing their celebrations, learning from their frustrations and mishaps, asking questions about how I can better serve the community that we’re fostering at EHI.
The statement I heard that filled my cup? They come for the content, but they stay for the community.
That’s my deepest desire. That our membership will grow a sense of connection, of mutual interest and support for one another, respect for different ideas and beliefs. That each member will feel part of the whole, and give and receive from one another freely. That with time and presence, we’ll get to know each other deeply, intimately, and be able to feed one another from our overflowing gardens, abundant with spiritual fruits and evolutionary seeds to harvest and nurture.
I love words. When the COVID pandemic caused the world to shut down, I started playing with words and came up with a slogan Community, Immunity, I Am Unity. I ran a series of live calls for several months to come together with the participants who attended, and do some inner work to build energetic immunity and foster unity. The isolation was difficult for many, and the goal was to come together, to show up, support, be present, and surrender and release the emotional heaviness and fear that pervaded the atmosphere as things unfolded.
As I see things now, that experience was the seed that I planted within EHI’s energetic field that has sprouted into today’s Consciously Curious Community.
Community Qualities
A thriving community is a living organism, that:
- flows with the needs and interests that live within its members
- responds to opportunities and challenges
- builds resources and resilience so that thriving is both possible and probable
- listens and appreciates divergent opinions and ideas
- treats all members with respect and values each member equally
- creates opportunities for deeper connection
- encourages and fosters communication and interaction
- offers support and insights that expand thinking and conscious awareness, potentiation and actualization
Community Resources
EHI’s Consciously Curious Community has two tiers to support the levels of interest and engagement that members can choose from. The goal is to provide resources and content in both tiers, so that members have access to what’s available, and can support their evolution and EHI with a small membership fee, if they’re so inclined.
There’s a FREE tier that provides a series of mini-skills, most of them ‘energy hacks’ to provide access to energy practices that support daily living and spiritual evolution.
The PAID tier provides more in-depth course material from a course called Feeding Your Spiritual Practice, that is continually enriched; using a buffet theme of appetizers, entrees and desserts. New additions are added to the buffet on a regular basis to support members with new tools and practices to enliven their spiritual life.
Both tiers have access to live calls with EHI’s partners, and ongoing discussion threads on topics related to energy and consciousness. Members are encouraged to bring their ideas and desires for activities we could foster within the membership.
Community: Common Cause
You may have noticed that the world is in a pretty divisive place. Turmoil and division abounds. There’s a rise in extremist thinking and behaviors. Fear, anger and resentment are common themes. It’s easy to get sucked in to the vortex of chaos, information and misinformation, to lose your center, to feel helpless and hopeless.
We are holding space for the opposite vibration, an ascending vortex, if you will.
The Consciously Curious Community is modality neutral. EHI has a huge body of work, a philosophy and framework, beyond a shadow of a doubt. But we don’t push for or insist on any of our philosophy or framework within the Community. That would take the idea of Common Cause and push it into evangelism…that our way is the right way. No thank you.
We prefer a wide open field of ideas, thoughts and expression. We prefer a place where our Common Cause is rooted in Consciousness, Curiosity and Communion.
This morning, I read a post on social media, and I’ll quote a piece of it in conclusion to this morning page, written as I drink my coffee, sit by the fire, and witness the emergence of this day.
Akaya Windwood writes:
The only way through these coming times is together. No one of us can or will do it alone. Find your folks, love deeply, and laugh and play when you can. Never forget that our ancestors survived so that we could meet this moment, and those will come after us are depending on us. Trust.
Each of us has an essential part to play in the coming years, and…the hardest part may very well be to have faith that others are doing what they are here to do…Let’s trust ourselves. Let’s trust each other.
That is the call to Community as I sense, see and feel its presence in my heart and mind. It’s not about taking a side, is it? It’s about coming together to lift each other up, to be present, aligned in Common Cause.
If you feel the call to be present with us, you belong here. I am standing at the door to the Consciously Curious Community. The lights are on, it’s warm inside. There’s sustenance and fellowship. Please. Come in.
Thank you so much Jill! Community keeps me going, even on the hardest days! I remember well the slogan during COVID, Community, Immunity, I am Unity!!
I’m with you Marlene! I immediately dropped into my heart center when I read Jill’s blog. The slogan – fabulous! I remember it too from our workshop. I’m so glad the blog brought back that sense of community to you. Even though we don’t know each other, I feel connected to you. How lovely. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your day!