Election Day and Neutrality

I’m not sure there are many places in the world where people are unaware that today is election day in the United States. Living in Portugal, people from all over the world visit, and speak with me about American politics.

The US is currently a polarized nation, deep philosophical divisions can be found everywhere: about religion and its place in politics, women’s rights, equality and inclusion, immigration, health care, taxation. The issues are serious — every single one of them — and whatever ‘side’ you’re on, the chickens are on their way home to roost. Votes are being counted, and speculation is rife.

Why Neutrality?

When I talk about neutrality, I’m not referring to apathy, or to disengaging from acting on what you believe in. I’m talking about finding space to breathe, think and choose a response that is appropriate, kind, and perhaps helps create meaning and insight in a difficult conversation.

We are multi-faceted people, informed by our culture, society, familial and personal beliefs. There should be room for all of us. I believe there is, when we find our neutrality. From neutrality we can land in our humanity and find common ground.

Neutrality is a helpful for shifting out of polarization and into possibility. Fact is, no matter the outcome of the election, we’re going to need to make our way forward. Neutrality can help us find out feet beneath us, and a first, second, third step forward to help us open up to new possibilities.

An Experience of Polarization

Think back to when you were young, and you witnessed or experienced sports rivalries gone sour, or a kickball game that became divisive. I don’t know about you, but as I think back on those experiences, I can remember feeling genuine fear, deep invalidation, lack of respect, and confusion. We were playing a game that turned incredibly toxic in a very short period of time!

Politics is not a game, separation of church and state is not a game. Women’s rights is not a game, nor is inclusion, immigration or any of the other issues creating division.

But fear, invalidation, disrespect and confusion? Those feelings are everywhere.

Cultivate Neutrality

Let’s take things a little further. Imagine your preferred candidates winning their races. You may feel elation, vindication, that finally things are going to go in the direction you’d like them to go.

Now, imagine walking into your favorite coffee shop to meet up with some business acquaintances or casual friends. The discussion turns to politics, and you’re the only person at the table who is happy about the election outcome. You’re a bit surprised that these people don’t think like you do, don’t see that the your political perspectives are good for the nation.

Imagine feeling activated, impulsed to open your mouth and tell them why their thinking is amiss.

Except you’re not in grade school, and this is not a kickball game that turned ugly. It may not be useful or effective to push back, to cast judgment or use harsh language. As we’ve learned over the past few years, pushing your own perspective or agenda isn’t likely to change other people’s minds!

Now, take a breath, take a moment, and imagine yourself right there. At the table, about to open your mouth. And try this instead.

Picture a bright, sparkling flow of gold energy, streaming from the Cosmic field into your crown chakra. Picture it filling your crown, and shifting your vibration out of activation into neutrality.

Like this:

Image of a woman performing an energy exercise to achieve neutrality

Did You Achieve Neutrality?

Could you sense the shift in your awareness? Releasing activation and charge, accessing space and neutrality?

Try it again using a situation in your life that lights you up, activates you and generates big emotions. Bring in that neutral Cosmic energy to your crown chakra. Do you sense the shift?

EHI practitioners learn this skill as part of their energy hygiene training. Why? Because the clients who enter our practices do so through attraction – to all that we are – our beautiful qualities, as well as any unresolved patterns, behaviors, beliefs, habits. We attract who we are. Which can totally light us up! We can get triggered by what our clients are experiencing and use the Achieving Neutrality skill to settle down our energy, and become resourceful and responsive to our client’s needs.

Neutrality is a resource, a way of being, and a skillset. It’s worth cultivating.

No matter what happens with the election, we need to find a way to work together, and to overcome our differences and find common ground.

And besides that? Neutrality looks good on you!

Learn Energy Healing

2 thoughts on “Election Day and Neutrality”

  1. Dear Jill,

    Thank you for sending this! Of course, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect!!

    Following your directions, I achieved neutrality. That was so powerful and will help me get through this day and the days to follow!


    • Hi Marlene, I am so glad you were able to achieve neutrality yesterday. I have to be honest, I’ve been using the skill A LOT today! Hugs & love to you, Jill


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