Start Here
Are you here for self-healing? There’s a free meditation, a course to regulate your energy, videos, blog posts and more. These resources should help you learn about grounded, efficacious energy healing practices for self-care, healing and inner (r)evolution. Then you may want to check out the self-healing, online courses that EHI offers.
If you are or want to be a practitioner, the free and paid courses, and the videos on the different bodies (Etheric, Astral & Mental/Causal) will help you discover the depth of content at EHI. From there, do check out the three Practitioner Programs at EHI. They’re online, comprehensive, certification-based, and offer you an exceptional opportunity to learn and to support your clients healing and evolution.
Welcome to EHI!
~ Jill
Free Meditation
Did you know that your chakras have organic partnerships that can be leveraged and cultivated to align your energy for manifesting your beautiful ideas? Yep. It’s true.
Want the two-minute meditation? Enter your email and learn which chakras to partner, and how to get them humming!
Content for Self-healing – compliments of Jill
The Present of Presence
Your energy, specifically your chakras, hold the keys to the way you live your life, how you show up, what patterns, behaviors and ways of interacting dominate your experience. Energy regulation is a mechanism for shifting out of long-held patterns and behaviors into more authentic (and in the moment) ways of being.
So if you behave or react in ways you don’t love, if you feel you could live more authentically, dig in to this material.
This course is free, takes about an hour, and is packed full of content. There are two foundational practices that you learn and apply. I’ll guide you through a downloadable meditation to regulate your chakras and Be Who You Are! These practices organize your energy in the present moment, so you can live your way into a more authentic engagement with your life!
Courses in our Consciousness Series
Bodacious Belief Systems
Beyond Unconscious Beliefs to Conscious Knowing
Learn about the energetics that generate and house your unconscious beliefs, and apply strategies for bringing your beliefs to the surface so you can evolve them. Live with aligned beliefs that reflect Who You Are!
The Mind-Body-Energy Connection
How Unresolved Emotions Impact Physical Health
The Mind-Body-Energy connection is a deep, ongoing conversation with all the parts of you! Your health and wellbeing can be supported by learning how your emotional energy impacts your physical body. Learn tools and practices for engaging your Mind-Body-Energy awareness and supporting your overall wellness.
Videos – Content for self-healing & practitioners
Your Etheric Body – an overview of your Etheric energy, the chakras, aura and nadis that make up the energy system for your physical body.
Your Astral Body – the chakras, their placement and function, your aura and its role, that make up the energy system for your emotional body.
Your Mental/Causal Body – an overview of the subplanes of the Mental and Causal energy system and how they interact with your physical and emotional body, and your spiritual awareness.
Monkey Mind Meditation – a brief overview of Monkey Mind (too much mental energy & perseveration) and a meditation for caging the monkeys!
EHI’s Top 3 Blog Posts

From Empathic to Clairvoyant

The Mystical Healing Crisis