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I love that you’re tuned in to the awareness that energy is present in every moment, interaction and experience. Taking up the reins to own and manage your energy is a brilliant choice! I’m delighted to share these resources with you.
~ Jill
Free Meditation
Download a free video meditation that will help you harness the energy in your chakras so they work together with ease and harmony. Enter your email, to let your energy flow!
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Attend my free class

Present of Presence
A free, live, online, 1-hour class where I’ll share context on the chakras and guide you through a powerful chakra setting practice. You can use this practice to connect more deeply to yourself and bring your attention and focus into the present moment.
Your Etheric Body – an overview of your Etheric energy, the chakras, aura and nadis that make up the energy system for your physical body.
Your Astral Body – an overview of your Astral energy, the chakras, their placement and function, your aura and its role, that make up the energy system for your emotional body.
Your Mental/Causal Body – an overview of the subplanes of the Mental and Causal energy system and how they interact with your physical and emotional body, and your spiritual awareness.
Monkey Mind Meditation – a brief overview of Monkey Mind (too much mental energy & perseveration) and a meditation for caging the monkeys!
Top 3 Blog Posts

From Empathic to Clairvoyant
By Jill LeighYou can develop a more sophisticated and respectful way of reading other people’s energy

The Mystical Healing Crisis
By Jill LeighWhen a healing crisis is present in your life it serves as a deep, full-on call for personal evolution

How Chakras Can Hold (and Clear) Physical Pain
By Jill LeighClearing emotional energy in your chakras is a healing resource for decreasing physical pain
If you’re hungry for more, check out my online courses and practitioner programs.