
A Formula for Evolution

Here’s a formula for creating lasting change through energy healing. The point of it being: to move the needle on issues so you’re evolving them, rather than continually repeating them.

energy healing practitioner

How Energy Practitioners Support Evolution

Practitioners in various modalities choose to integrate energy healing into their work because of the ubiquitous nature of energy as root cause of all disease, illness, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Can a tree, bird, chair or person exist without energy? No. Not possible. Neither can an illness, disease or mental blockage. Whatever your expertise, energy is in the room with you.


What is Your Vibration?

Have you ever wondered about all of those memes you see on social media telling you that it’s important to raise your vibration? Ever wondered how exactly you do that?

elephant wisdom admiration elder

The People I Admire

I was asked to list people I admire. There are so many people doing great things, it was hard to choose. But I did. I’m naming names. Some living, some deceased, some well known, some not, I’m honored to share these people with you.


You Already Read Energy

Clairvoyance is the ability to read energy visually. And while some have a natural ability, it’s not a gift. It’s a skill. And it truly can be learned.


Somatization, A Quick Guide

Somatization recognizes that physical pain can arise from emotional causes. We can identify chakras that hold repressed emotions and release that energy.

Serendipitous Manifestation

Four months ago, CK developed a pain in her left shoulder that eventually led to a frozen shoulder.  There’s lots and lots to talk about here with the mind-body connection, but at the moment, the focus is on Serendipitous Manifestation, so hang on to the mind-body concepts for a later post – like next week’s, … Read more

Embrace It to Fix It

You know those parts of yourself that you don’t like?  The snarky attitude you assume, the judging tone of voice you use, the way you procrastinate, the ways that you derail your progress when you get scared of change.  Whatever your bugaboos are – do you embrace them?  Or do you push them away, to … Read more

Jill is on retreat this week

Chakra Khan is on retreat this week.  She can be found wandering island trails, swimming in the crystal blue ocean, perhaps even resting pool-side. CK is choosing to retreat and restore and let the blog rest for a week. The post for this week was going to be about Expectation vs. Expectancy. Expectation is wanting … Read more

I Yam Who I Yam

In the last few months, several of my Energy Healing Institute clients have been through radical reorganizations in their lives.  Not teensy transits, or minor kerfuffles that created a need to fluff their aura and regroup.  No sirree.  We’re talking big changes, lollapaloozers, the big enchildadas – the ones that take cohones to even contemplate! And … Read more

Keeping it Clean with Energy Hygiene

Keeping it Clean in your practice with Energy Hygiene

Energy hygiene is an essential practice for healers and practitioners to manage energetic countertransference and to avoid burnout. Beyond ‘highest possible good’, which is a concept, not a measurable frequency, energy hygiene keeps the practitioner’s neutrality in place, and minimizes enmeshment.

A Shout-out for Stillness

Last week I took myself up north on the Coast of Maine for my annual pilgrimage and retreat.  The area is spectacularly beautiful – raw, primal – wildlife abounds.  The sparse population of year-round residents are salty and real and connected to the Earth in ways that you don’t see in suburbs, or even my … Read more