How Chakras Can Hold (and Clear) Physical Pain

Your Energy Creates Your Life

You know this, right? Of course, it’s not just your energy, it’s your attention, (thoughts and beliefs) and your intention, (conscious or unconscious) combined with your energy — your chakras and aura — that create your life.

Your physical body is the vehicle for experiencing your life. Your thoughts and emotions manifest through your body. Yet in energy terms, your thoughts and emotions are created and reside in separate bodies or planes of awareness. At least, your emotions are  supposed to reside elsewhere.

Your physical body can become the storehouse for ignored, unacknowledged and suppressed emotional energy. It’s called somatization.

The Body is an Integrated System

We all know that the mind-body connection is real. The emotion-body connection is, too.

If you’re not allowing certain feelings, such as anger, anxiety or grief, and also not applying energy self-care to clear and release emotions, you conceivably suppress what you don’t allow. These suppressed emotions have nowhere to go but down. Into the energy system for your physical body.

And there they sit and fester.

Where in your body do these somatized emotions go, you might ask?

You actually know.

Because your body tells you.

The Body is a Storyteller

Got chronic pain?

Digestive issues?

Does your throat or your head suffer most when you get a cold?

That’s the story your body is telling you. It’s letting you know where you’ve suppressed emotional energy and how it’s impacting your inner workings.

The Chakras Distribute Energy

Your Etheric chakras are hard working energy centers, distributing energy to all of your organs, glands, systems. There’s a fabulous, complex system for delivering energy that works most effectively when unencumbered by blockages. Ever seen a turbine operate? If a bunch of rags were stuck into some of the blades of the turbine, that would certainly impact performance.

Your chakras function like turbines, too. They work in two ways – sourcing energy into the chakra, and releasing energy out of the chakra. Inflow and outflow. Stuff a bunch of suppressed emotional energy into a chakra that feeds energy to your physical body and it’ll gum up the works, too. And over time, less vital energy flows in to the chakra, and less spent energy flows out.

And therein lies the rub. Or the illness, dis-ease, stagnation.

The Body is Self-healing

Want to know which chakras are correlated to which parts of the body? You can match the chakra to the organs that are within proximity of the chakra as follows:

Chakras & Organs


It’ll give you insight to what chakras may need support (clearing, infusing) for your optimal well being.

You may have some clearing work to do to evolve beyond patterns, behaviors and emotions that bog you down. You may have to face some stuff — let’s be honest, if you’re suppressing emotion, it’s because you’re scared to face it down and move it through.

Learning how to Clear Emotional Energy — a skill you can learn in the self-paced course, CLEAR — is powerful and evolutionary work. It puts you in the driver seat of your emotions.

Keep your physical body well and strong. Own your emotions, clear emotional energy let your body thrive — and if needed, heal. Reverse what is setting up as an illness, dis-ease or stagnation.

There’s nothing better than a well be-ing. You can do this. Take up the work of evolving your energy body and know that your physical body will absolutely reap the benefits.

What parts of your body are hurting? Using the chart above, which chakra(s) needs your attention?

Learn Energy Healing

12 thoughts on “How Chakras Can Hold (and Clear) Physical Pain”

  1. Hi Jill,

    I found the article very helpful. I have been in pain for 12 years, various health issues like colitis and a severe pain and inflammation in my left hip and pelvis with no one diagnosing the issue, I saw many doctors, did many MRIs, Xrays, and blood test with everything being normal. 3 months ago a doctor diagnosed the root cause but he was very surprised as the problem should not bring such pain and symptoms. I did the surgery 2 months ago and still in severe pain (I have been in bed for the last 3 years), I also realize that there must be something else too, so I studied about chakras and noticed that the root chakra blockage can result in same symptoms. could I please have your comments on this?

    • Hi Sara, I want to be very careful in my response here because I would never want you to feel as though I am assessing your energy personally, or providing any sort of diagnosis about the reasons for your ongoing physical pain. I only engage in that type of activity in a 1-on-1 session.

      It’s possible that your physical body is holding some sort of unprocessed, repressed emotional experiences, perhaps from your childhood or adulthood that are causing physical pain. These type of scenarios are confounding to doctors because they believe they know how pain is alleviated and resolved. Yet when someone is holding emotional energy in the body and pain doesn’t resolve, there’s more to be done, and it’s usually not a medical! You are welcome to book a 1-1 session with me in my private practice. The link is here: I have a waiting list in my practice, so do mention this question associated with the blog post so I know it’s you. We can work on discerning the root cause for the emotional pain (assuming this is accurate), and set your feet on a different path. I hope to hear from you.

    • Hello Michelle, I haven’t worked with stuttering in my 30 years of practice, but as I look at the energy of stuttering, I come up with two chakra correlations, the 6th chakra (center of the head, template for the mind) and the 5th chakra. There may also be a 1st chakra correlation, but I’d have to look at your energy specifically to see if that was the case.

  2. Hi!

    I have a question about physical pain and energy healing. Wondering if you might have an answer for this. I just recently did quantum healing hypnosis session. In fact I’ve done this twice, and both times I have felt Quite a bit of physical pain in the session itself. However, I was not feeling physical pain before hand or after. I found your article searching online for answers as to what this could mean. Any suggestions for resources I can check out, or do you have any insight into this?

    • I can’t speak directly to your experience with quantum healing hypnosis, Sheryl, since it’s not a modality I have trained in or use in my work. However, I can say that sometimes people unconsciously assign pain to emotional and energetic release. Try having a little chat with your body and letting it know that you can let go, release, heal, shift and evolve without needing to pass through physical pain to do so. It often takes care of the pain syndrome. It may take a few conversations for your mind-body to get the message so keep at it a few times to see if you can work it through.

  3. Hello! I found this post very useful. Thank you! But I have one question from my side for which I have been searching answers and treatments for many days. I used to do yoga and meditation when I was young but in the recent years I have not been practicing it. For the past few months I am experiencing a very active vibration or I can tell it a form of pain at the back of my body in the bottom of the spine (few cm below lumbar spine area). I sometimes feel energy drained and highly frustated when I have this feeling. I have this pain almost all through the day. Can you please help me understand why I have this pain and is this related to chakra? Is there anything I that I can do to calm this down?

    • Hi Sangeetha, Thanks for asking your question about the vibration you’re experiencing in your body. I do not have a license to offer diagnosis of any kind, so I would be remiss in telling you what might be happening in your body. While I can look at the energy in your body and offer helpful input, advice, tools and resources within the confines of a 1-1 session, I cannot begin to explore what might be occurring in your energy field without a 1-1 session and the boundaries and container of that connection and engagement.Given the emotional and physical symptomology, it’s very possible that this is an energy issue, and not a physical one, but I would have no idea how to respond without a 1-1 session. Sorry I can’t be more helpful to you!

  4. Hiya I’m having pains near my bladder area and I have been feeling like this ever since I’ve been angry. I’ve been doing a lot of meditation but yesterday a situation crept up and I couldn’t contain myself I lost focus on how to deal with anger and I think it’s blocked near my bladder or near the area where i get my periods. What chakra is blocked would you know?

    • Hi Sneha, When you look at the chart that’s included in the How Chakras Can Hold (and Clear) Physical Pain blog post that generated your question, you’ll see that the bladder (and the ovaries and uterus) are connected to the second chakra. The second chakra is the seat of the emotions. When you’re holding anger and not clearing and releasing it, your physical body can end up housing the emotional energy. Pain is often one of the results, illness can be a deeper, more serious concern, especially if anger (or other emotion) remains unaddressed. Learning to clear your chakras and aura is a very important set of skills that supports healing, evolution, growth and authentic living.

  5. Question: I am hoping you can help me understand something that recently occured – I did my first chakra balancing with stones, small tumbled stones. I held the stones and recited my intention to balance my chakras 11 times. Then placed the stones on the chakras – Garnet stone (root chakra), Carnelian stone (sacral), Citrine stone (solar plexus), Aventurine stone (heart), Angelite stone (throat), Amethyst stone (3rd eye) and 1 Clear Quartz stone (crown). I meditated with that for 11 minutes, then gently removed the stones and went to sleep for the night. I did notice a strong vibration at the third eye. In the morning I had a noticeable bruise at my third eye that lasted for four days before it subsided. Do you have any ideas what this could mean? Your time and consideration is greatly appreciated.

    Julia B

    • Hi Julia, I don’t do a lot of work with stones and crystals, though I know they’re very powerful. The third eye is an Etheric chakra, meaning it’s tied to the energy system for your physical body, not the energy system for your emotional body, the Astral body. It’s possible that the amethyst would have been better situated on your 6th Astral chakra, located in the center of your head. It may have been too much energy for the 3rd eye to navigate.

      I’d be happy to email you the contact information for someone I know who is deeply knowledgeable about crystals and gemstones. My email is jill@energyhealinginstitute[dot]org


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