Can Someone have Bad Energy?

Can someone have bad energy?

When we talk about someone having ‘bad energy’, we miss the entire point of owning our choices, and understanding resonance, perspective and preference. Bad energy is a New Age fallacy and can generate lazy thinking and inappropriate judgments of others.


What is Your Vibration?

Have you ever wondered about all of those memes you see on social media telling you that it’s important to raise your vibration? Ever wondered how exactly you do that?

Anxiety – Stopping the Madness, Part 1

Anxiety.  It’s a  7-letter word.  All of us experience it, some more than others. When I ask people to describe their anxiety, I often learn that it feels like a pressurized bubble located somewhere in the range of the neck to the groin.  The pressure and pushing increases, and the breath gets shallow, the butterflies … Read more