Shedding Light on your Energy Questions – Let’s talk about: Intuitive Hits
What’s the difference between a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘intuitive hit’ and a knowing? In short, clarity, alignment and grounded awareness!
What’s the difference between a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘intuitive hit’ and a knowing? In short, clarity, alignment and grounded awareness!
Energy hygiene is the subject of our Shedding Light on your Energy Questions Series this week. Clients often ask how we keep our spirits up and the space clear when they come and dump their energy. Here’s how!
You’re always on the go. It’s life, right? Rushing from your spiritual practice into your day overlooks the most important part of your practice: integration.
The shift from focusing on the disease and its symptomology to aligning with health, vitality and healing is spiritual warriorship.
Four Anchoring Practices to Support a Return to Health I spend a lot of time with clients healing from the multi-layered, highly complex symptoms of Lyme disease and its myriad co-infections, one of many chronic illnesses I address in my practice. There are healing practices that focus exclusively on magnets, usually with mixed results. Some … Read more
What happens in the classroom? A recap from EHI’s Path of an Energy Healer Training.