The Power of Be-coming
Witnessing growth and evolution in EHI’s classroom is a powerful thing. I was reminded of this as I reflected on an 8-day training that recently wrapped up in New Mexico.
People came to the training with open hearts and minds, and left 8 days later knowing that they had changed. That the Universe of sentient beings throughout time and space needs to meet them where they are now.

They are in a new level of be-coming.
Creating space for authentic and empowered choice. Living through and traversing the inevitable changes in landscape, terrain, climate and community.
The landscape, terrain, climate may be an internal shift – from the parched, sandy landscape of care-taking and self-subjugation to vistas high, wide and clear – purposeful and self-directed.
The community evolution – both internal and external. That inner committee of nay-saying voices hushed, softened, perhaps vanquished.

Externally, opening to and contemplating new relationships with clients, peers and colleagues who might experience, support and recommend their fledgling or evolving healing practice.
Be-coming stems from clear inner alignment, and sponsors external shifting and movement. As a student said,
Now that I know who I really am and what I want to create, there’s no turning back. I. Know. And I am committed to myself, to following through on my work and my vision.
Have there ever been more beautiful words spoken?
Be-coming is a gift, a sacred passage and initiation.
Be-coming is the bird who flies when the cage door opens.

Be-coming vanquishes limiting beliefs as alignment, clarity anchor in the core.
Be-coming applies both deep listening and active response.
More an unfolding than a plan
In be-coming, there is the miracle of unfoldment.
A window opens and lets light in, and ideas and opportunities flood the transom.
A path may be chosen that fails to yield, yet another avenue emerges; setting a new direction on the compass rose.

Plans serve as springboards instead of roadmaps and destinations.
Questions live in the room – enlivening thought and harnessing intention.
Rilke’s quote serves well in these times:
“I beg you… to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.
Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer…”
What’s this got to do with energy healing?
How do you think these good people got to this exciting and courageous threshold?
For many months, they’ve been studying energy healing and esoteric and practical protocols. Diligently applying the work to themselves and their life.
They actively steeped for 8-days in the cauldron and container of structured energy healing experiences and practices in Santa Fe.
Entering as students of energy healing, they grew and evolved, emerging as practitioners. More to do, learn and practice – sure. Yet each of them achieved a new level of self-mastery, and in-bodied deep, experiential learning.

Beautiful work, be-coming.
To learn about EHI’s Practitioner Program, click here.
And keep your vital energy flowing!