Integration and Thriving – Part 5

As the client moves from sovereignty and autonomy into thriving, their awareness is integrated, the trauma story is not forgotten, it’s simply not the driver of how the client engages with themselves, others, and their experiences. Healing continues from a joyful place of alignment and conscious awareness.

Achieving Autonomy & Sovereignty – Part 4

It’s a sacred privilege to witness clients as they begin to achieve a sense of self that is not defined by their trauma experience. These good people are finding their sovereignty, and actualizing a life they conscious choose instead of reacting from the energy of old stories and experiences.

Embodiment & Inner Safety – Part 2

When trauma occurs, one strategy or approach for managing the emotional chaos, upset and difficulty is to dissociate. In energetic terms, this is known as disembodiment. To heal from trauma, embodiment is essential.

Energy boundaries

Why Energy Boundaries Support You

It’s easy to merge emotional energy with others who vibrate within our range. If you and I merge, I’m a little less Me, and you’re a little less You. Energy boundaries maintain individuated awareness and prevent merging. Boundaries are beautiful!


Activism & Healing

As practitioners, you know that energy flows where attention goes. You know how to advocate, speak the truth and hold space for evolution. You can be an energetic model for change. If you’re already active in your community, advocating for change, evolution, right action, so much gratitude to you. If you are not currently active, the invitation is extended to you.

guilt low vibration

Thoughts on Guilt

Anyone who has spent any time with me knows that I am rabidly, insanely, over-the-top bonkers about eliminating guilt from the energy body and field.  

energy protocol

What is an Energy Protocol?

You can use energy protocols for a variety of healing topics, such as letting go of invalidation; owning your worth; making lasting change in relationships; creating the life you want; or releasing negative beliefs about feeling unlovable.


Your Reaction is a Mask

In this post, I share about my anger pattern, and how I’ve used energy work to outgrow it. We’ll talk about what’s hiding behind your reactions and go-to emotions.