Embodiment & Inner Safety – Part 2

When trauma occurs, one strategy or approach for managing the emotional chaos, upset and difficulty is to dissociate. In energetic terms, this is known as disembodiment. To heal from trauma, embodiment is essential.

Beyond Reiki

Beyond Reiki – deepening your healing practice

Reiki is a reasonable start for exploring how energy informs health and wellness. For those who are ready to study energy healing deeply, move beyond Reiki. Taking the work up a few levels beyond Reiki is an important next step in becoming a practitioner who serves a wide spectrum of issues and people. 

energy protocol

What is an Energy Protocol?

You can use energy protocols for a variety of healing topics, such as letting go of invalidation; owning your worth; making lasting change in relationships; creating the life you want; or releasing negative beliefs about feeling unlovable.


A Formula for Evolution

Here’s a formula for creating lasting change through energy healing. The point of it being: to move the needle on issues so you’re evolving them, rather than continually repeating them.