
You Already Read Energy

Clairvoyance is the ability to read energy visually. And while some have a natural ability, it’s not a gift. It’s a skill. And it truly can be learned.

The Hard Work is Upon Us

If you are an energy healing practitioner, bodyworker, therapist or any kind of healing practitioner, I know your clients are leaning heavily on you these days. I heard that leading up to the election, people who typically see their therapist once a month have gone once a week, and clients who typically schedule once a week are going every day. So, … Read more

Healer Hubris

It’s been a rough couple of weeks professionally. Here’s what I’ve witnessed: Situation 1 – a friend of a friend described her energy healing training to me. Here’s one major teaching she’s learned and practices: When walking down the street, shopping, hanging out in a park or bowling alley – scan and fix other people’s energy. … Read more