Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

Remember that song?  Sorry Bobby McFerrin – I mean no disrespect, but it is a really, really dumb song! And yet, the sentiment is on target.  CK’s already written about worry in a recent post – she riffed on a quote she found on Facebook – Worrying is like Praying…for what you don’t want to … Read more

Perusing Purpose

Purpose.  It’s such an interesting concept – and one that the New Age has turned into a questing, why am I here inquiry within many folks who have rejected religious dogma and embraced spirituality. There are even spiritual advisers out there who will tell people what their purpose is, why they incarnated at this time.  … Read more

Do Be Do Be Do

This past week I met with several stressed out, exhausted clients.  I heard: ‘I’m always running around,’ ‘I’m on 8 committees and they all demand a lot of support at year-end.’ ‘I’m traveling continuously; I haven’t been home for more than 3 days in 6 weeks.’ One client has rescheduled an appointment with me 5 … Read more

Further Lessons in Letting Go

The season of Festivus is upon us.  Have you noticed that sleigh bells ring every time the television comes on?  And as I write this, emails flow steadily into my Inbox – announcing Cyber Monday deals. I’m already longing for December 26 when the ads fade away and we go back to the normal besieging … Read more

The Heart is the Fulcrum

Doctors know that the heart has a larger, more vibrant electromagnetic field than the brain.  The heart is in the center of the body, nestled in with the lungs, the arteries and veins, and the organs that nourish the blood through the digestion of the food that the body consumes. The heart is a center … Read more

Emotional Vampires

Emotional Vampires? Seriously?

When jargon creates victims A few years ago, an EHI student sent me an article in DailyOM by Dr. Judith Orloff.  The article, Combating Emotional Vampires, was an excerpt from Dr. Orloff’s online course of the same name.  I generally appreciate Dr. Orloff’s work, and of course, Dr. Orloff didn’t invent the term Emotional Vampires, … Read more

Expectations or Expectancy

Ah, expectations.  The projection into the future (even a minute from now) that something is going to happen the way you want it to or think it should happen.  And then, confound it all, that’s not what occurs.  Leaving you disappointed, frustrated, angry and at times, all pouty and self-absorbed.  Expectations are certainly a part … Read more

You’re the Creator; You’re the Creation

This past weekend a group of students at EHI’s Energy Awareness training were working with the Clairvoyance System and viewing energy.  This particular weekend of EHI’s trainings generates a lot of fascinating dialogue about energy, consciousness, and the individual’s role in manifesting his or her experience. The participants have increased familiarity with one another, as … Read more

Treasures & No See-ums – or Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

A recent lesson in attention and energy flow seems worth describing – perhaps a contribution to the discourse on attraction, attention, how energy works. If you’d like the backstory on this post, please see the Chakra Khan post, Messages, Passages, Assimilation.  It describes the recent experience I had cleaning out my parent’s house in anticipation … Read more

Meditate from the Right…(Brain that is)

Last weekend the students in the latest Energy Awareness training engaged in a lengthy discussion about meditation and mental chatter.  It’s a frequent topic in the classroom, because we’re exploring energy and the exercises are internal and contemplative. We shared some great laughs about meditation becoming the place to figure out the day’s logistics, the … Read more

Harvesting Healings

Living in Southern Maine, CK is acutely aware that fall is enroute and winter is a tad behind that.  There’s a lot to do to get ready for the quiet and stillness of land at rest.  And the process of putting our teensy little farm to rest for the winter begins now. The summer veggies … Read more

Messages, Passages, Assimilation

Normally I prefer to use this space to talk about things other than myself.  It’s simpler, cleaner and less personal to reference the role of energy without tying it back to my experiences. Bear with me, this week’s post is personal. I spent the last few days clearing out my parent’s home.  My father passed … Read more

Anxiety Needn’t Hijack Your Life!

One of Energy Healing Institute’s recent students is anticipating a major life change – he’s moving across the country to complete his college degree. He wrote me about his upcoming move, stating that his head plays games with him when he contemplates big changes, causing him to feel anxious, overwhelmed. It made me smile, not … Read more

Worrying is Like Praying

Worrying is Like Praying… Well, that was just a partial statement, hence the …. Here’s the rest of the statement: Worrying is Like Praying…for something you don’t want to happen! My friend and co-beekeeper Sue sent me that quote earlier this week. It came on the heels of a meeting with a client, Lucy. Lucy … Read more