Diving into your Dogma

What do you believe?  Do you believe what you believe?  Honey, I’ve got to tell you, we all think some crazy stuff, and when we believe the crazy stuff we think, we set worlds of energy into motion. Dogma can be stultifying, sticky.  You can end up thinking through a lens that is clouded with … Read more

Energetic Promiscuity

You’re salivating aren’t you?  Promiscuity?  This is going to be one juicy post!  What in the world could CK be alluding to with such a provocative title? Well, you’re definitely right, the title is titillating, and if it evokes the concept of doing you know what with lots of you know who’s, you’re on the … Read more

Fairy Tale Relationships

Relationships are tricky.  They can really trigger our stuff.  Why is that?  I mean, if we love someone, we should find him or her to be compatible, yes?  As a couple, you blend, they zig when we zig and they zag when we zag. Yeah, the stuff of fairy tales. But come to think of … Read more

Until You Go In, You Can’t Find Out

You can’t see an energy healer in the attempt to avoid meeting your issues and owning your stuff.  We’re not therapy substitutes.  The title of this post is the invitation to people to go in and do the work so you can find out.  Literally and figuratively. Any energy healer worth his or her salt … Read more

Rethinking Subtle Energy

I just attended a conference in Coronado, California hosted by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.  I had the privilege of speaking to a delightful group of energy psychologists on Sunday morning with my colleague, EHI Ambassador and friend Rick Leskowitz.  [Energy Psychologists incorporate EFT, EMDR, TAT and other energy-based forms for supporting patients in … Read more

Anger: Redressed not Repressed

Recently I’ve had several clients working on the significant task of individuating from the family system – we’re never too old to leave the family system behind! One of the ways that I experience people remaining stuck in the systemic family dysfunction is that it can be hard for them to give up any anger … Read more

Send Your Shame up in Flames

Well, by now you all realize that I devoted two entire posts to guilt (which you can find here and here).  I have no problems with that, and I’m not justifying a thing.  All I can say is that shame deserves equal time. So what’s the thing with shame?  Why are shame-fests so common?  What’s … Read more

What’s the verdict? Guilty or Not Guilty?

Anyone who has spent any time with me in my practice or my energy healing trainings knows that I am rabidly, insanely, over-the-top bonkers about eliminating guilt from the energy body and field.  It’s right up there with shame in my estimation, but there’s no way I’m wasting the opportunity to write a separate blog … Read more

Meet. Greet. Complete… Repeat.

Meet. Greet.  Complete…  Repeat. A winning formula for personal evolution. Meet the issue, person, emotion, physical pain, mental musing, spiritual crisis head on.  Straight up. Greet the underlying story, the root cause analysis, the underbrush and move in to the work.  Yes, exactly.  Just do it.  And we’re not talking sneak-ers, here people.  No, you … Read more

Mine vs. Not Mine

What an important concept to consider when thinking about energy healing.  Mine vs. Not Mine.  Why?  Why is it so important? Because the energy body is a porous thing, lovies.  Energy flows in and out through the permeable boundaries of the electromagnetic field or aura.  If you’re out and about, doing your life and you’re … Read more

What’s on Your Mind Matters and You’ve Got the Power!

How many phrases are there in our common and cultural lexicon to validate that our thoughts form the house from which we experience our lives?  Here’s a few: ‘You create your reality according to your beliefs.’  Source:  Jane Roberts/Seth ‘Energy flows where attention goes.’ Source: Serge Kahili King   I love this quote from Allen: … Read more

Cease, Desist, no need to Resist, Part 2

Last week I offered several strategies for working with resistance – a key factor in energy healing.  When we resist, we defer healing.  We stay stuck.  We can’t unplug from old patterns, behaviors, thoughts or actions because we’ve got our feet planted in the cement of THE WAY IT IS NOW. When I looked up … Read more